Presented by: Group 2
Two-level PSK (BPSK) Uses two phases to represent binary digits Where we can consider the above two functions to be multiplied by +1 and -1 for a binary 1 and binary 0 respectively which equals
Differential PSK (DPSK) Phase shift with reference to previous bit ▪ Binary 0 – signal burst of same phase as previous signal burst ▪ Binary 1 – signal burst of opposite phase to previous signal burst The term differential is used because the phase shift is with reference to the previous bit Doesn’t require an accurate receiver oscillator matched with the transmitter for the phase information but obviously depends to the preceding phase (information bit) being received correctly.
Four-level PSK (QPSK - quadrature PSK) Each element represents more than one bit
I stream (in-phase) Q stream (quadrature data stream)
OQPSK has phase transitions between every half- bit time that never exceeds 90 degrees (π/2 radians) Results in much less amplitude variation of the bandwidth-limited carrier BER is the same as QPSK When amplified, QPSK results in significant bandwidth expansion, whereas OQPSK has much less bandwidth expansion especially if the channel has non-linear components
Multilevel PSK Using multiple phase angles with each angle having more than one amplitude, multiple signals elements can be achieved ▪ D = modulation rate, baud ▪ R = data rate, bps (note the difference in baud and bps) ▪ M = number of different signal elements = 2 L ▪ L = number of bits per signal element If L = 4 bits in each signal element using M = 16 combinations of amplitude and phase, then if the data rate is 9600 bps, the line signaling speed/modulation rate is 2400 baud
QAM is a combination of ASK and PSK Two different signals sent simultaneously on the same carrier frequency
Program 3.2 (bpsk_fading)
Amplitude DistortionAmplitude + Phase Distortion
Input sr= ; % Symbol rate ipoint=2^03; % Number of oversamples ncc=1; %******************* Filter initialization ******************** irfn=21; % Number of filter taps
Number of symbols (nd) = 10 data=rand(1,nd)>0.5 data1=data.*2-1
[data2] = oversamp( data1, nd, IPOINT)
data3 = conv(data2,xh)
demodata=data6 > 0
Graphical eye pattern showing an example of two power levels in an OOK modulation scheme. Constant binary 1 and 0 levels are shown, as well as transistions from 0 to 1, 1 to 0, 0 to 1 to 0, and 1 to 0 to 1OOK Source: Wikipedia
MSK is a continuous phase FSK (CPFSK) where the frequency changes occur at the carrier zero crossings. MSK is unique due to the relationship between the frequency of a logic 0 and 1. The difference between the frequencies is always ½ the data rate. This is the minimum frequency spacing that allows 2 FSK signals to be coherently orthogonal.
The baseband modulation starts with a bitstream of 0’s and 1’s and a bit-clock. The baseband signal is generated by first transforming the 0/1 encoded bits into -1/1 using an NRZ filter. This signal is then frequency modulated to produce the complete MSK signal. The amount of overlap that occurs between bits will contribute to the inter-symbol interference (ISI).
1200 bits/sec baseband MSK data signal Frequency spacing = 600Hz a) NRZ data b) MSK signal
Since the MSK signals are orthogonal and minimal distance, the spectrum can be more compact. The detection scheme can take advantage of the orthogonal characteristics. Low ISI (compared to GMSK)
The fundamental problem with MSK is that the spectrum has side-lobes extending well above the data rate (See figure on next slide). For wireless systems which require more efficient use of RF channel BW, it is necessary to reduce the energy of the upper side-lobes. Solution – use a pre-modulation filter: Straight-forward Approach: Low-Pass Filter More Efficient/Realistic Approach: Gaussian Filter
Gaussian Filter Impulse response defined by a Gaussian Distribution – no overshoot or ringing (see lower figure) BT – refers to the filter’s -3dB BW and data rate by: Notice that a bit is spread over more than 1 bit period. This gives rise to ISI. For BT=0.3, adjacent symbols will interfere with each other more than for BT=0.5 GMSK with BT=∞ is equivalent to MSK. Trade-off between ISI and side-lobe suppression (top and bottom figures) The higher the ISI, the more difficult the detection will become.
An important application of GMSK is GSM, which is a time-division multiple-access system. For this application, the BT is standardized at 0.3, which provides the best compromise between increased bandwidth occupancy and resistance to ISI. Ninety-nine percent of the RF power of GMSK signals is specified to confine to 250kHz (+/- 25kHz margin from the signal), which means that the sidelobes need to be virtually zero outside this frequency band and the ISI should be negligible.
The program bpsk.m prints the BER in each simulation loop, and this causes the program to run slowly, therefore, I stopped printing those results. Instead, I plotted the BER vs. EbN0 with a counter that displays the current value of EbN0. I tried to plot the eye diagram for QPSK, but I didn’t succeed in that. Haykin, S. 2001: “Communication Systems”. 4 th ed. New York, NY. John Wiley & Sons. Introduction to GMSK GMSK: Practical GMSK Data Transmission F/2003AUG29_NTEK_AN.PDF Minimum Shift Keying: A Spectrally Effiecient Modulation iIntegrati/msk_pasupathy_1979.pdf