Tier 1 in Dubna for CMS: plans and prospects Korenkov Vladimir LIT, JINR AIS-GRID School 2013, April 25.


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Presentation transcript:

Tier 1 in Dubna for CMS: plans and prospects Korenkov Vladimir LIT, JINR AIS-GRID School 2013, April 25

Tier 0 at CERN: Acquisition, First pass reconstruction, Storage & Distribution 1.25 GB/sec (ions) 1

Tier Structure of GRID Distributed Computing: Tier-0/Tier-1/Tier-2 2 Tier-0 (CERN): accepts data from the CMS Online Data Acquisition and Trigger System archives RAW data the first pass of reconstruction and performs Prompt Calibration data distribution to Tier-1 Tier-1 (11 centers): receives a data from the Tier-0 data processing (re- reconstruction, skimming, calibration etc) distributes data and MC to the other Tier-1 and Tier-2 secure storage and redistribution for data and MC Tier-2 (>200 centers): simulation user physics analysis

3 Wigner Data Centre, Budapest New facility due to be ready at the end of m² (725m²) in an existing building but new infrastructure 2 independent HV lines Full UPS and diesel coverage for all IT load (and cooling) Maximum 2.7MW Slide from I.Bird (CERN, WLCG) presentation at GRID2012 in Dubna

Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 WLCG Grid Sites Today >150 sites >300k CPU cores >250 PB disk Today >150 sites >300k CPU cores >250 PB disk

Russian Data Intensive Grid infrastructure (RDIG) RDIG Resource Centres: – ITEP – JINR-LCG2 (Dubna) – RRC-KI – RU-Moscow-KIAM – RU-Phys-SPbSU – RU-Protvino-IHEP – RU-SPbSU – Ru-Troitsk-INR – ru-IMPB-LCG2 – ru-Moscow-FIAN – ru-Moscow-MEPHI – ru-PNPI-LCG2 (Gatchina) – ru-Moscow-SINP - Kharkov-KIPT (UA) - BY-NCPHEP (Minsk) - UA-KNU The Russian consortium RDIG (Russian Data Intensive Grid), was set up in September 2003 as a national federation in the EGEE project. Now the RDIG infrastructure comprises 17 Resource Centers with > kSI2K CPU and > 4500 TB of disc storage.

6 Country Normalized CPU time ( ) All Country - 19,416,532,244 Russia- 410,317,672 (2.12%) Job 726,441,731 23,541,182 ( 3.24%)

7 Country Normalized CPU time per VO ( )

8 8 Russia Normalized CPU time per SITE and VO ( ) All VO Russia - 409,249,900 JINR - 183,008,044 CMS Russia - 112,025,416 JINR - 67,938,700 (61%)

9 Frames for Grid cooperation with CERN  2001: EU-dataGrid  Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG)  2004: Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE)  EGI-InSPIRE  CERN-RFBR project “Grid Monitoring from VO perspective” Collaboration in the area of WLCG monitoring WLCG today includes more than 170 computing centers where more than 2 million jobs are being executed daily and petabytes of data are transferred between sites. Monitoring of the LHC computing activities and of the health and performance of the distributed sites and services is a vital condition of the success of the LHC data processing. WLCG Transfer Dashboard Monitoring of the XRootD federations WLCG Google Earth Dashboard Tier3 monitoring toolkit

JINR –LCG2 Tier2 site  Provides the largest share to the Russian Data Intensive Grid (RDIG) contribution to the global WLCG/EGEE/EGI Grid-infrastructure. JINR secured 46% of the overall RDIG computing time contribution to the solution of LHC tasks  During 2012, CICC has run more than 7.4 million jobs, the overall CPU time spent exceeding 152 million hours (in HEPSpec06 units)  Presently, the CICC computing cluster comprises bit processors and a data storage system of 1800 TB total capacity.

11 WLCG Tier1 center in Russia Proposal to create the LCG Tier1 center in Russia (official letter by Minister of Science and Education of Russia A. Fursenko has been sent to CERN DG R. Heuer in March 2011). Proposal to create the LCG Tier1 center in Russia (official letter by Minister of Science and Education of Russia A. Fursenko has been sent to CERN DG R. Heuer in March 2011). The corresponding point to include in the agenda of next 5x5 meeting Russia-CERN (October 2011) The corresponding point to include in the agenda of next 5x5 meeting Russia-CERN (October 2011) - for all four experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb - ~10% of the summary Tier1 (without CERN) resources - increase by 30% each year - draft planning (proposal under discussion) to have prototype in the endof 2012, and full resources in 2014 to meet the start of next working LHC session. Discussion about distributed Tier1 in Russia for LHC and FAIR Discussion about distributed Tier1 in Russia for LHC and FAIR

Project: «Creation of the automated system of data processing for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of Tier1 level and maintenance of Grid-services for a distributed analysis of these data» Terms: Type of project: R&D Cost: federal budget million rubles (~8.5 MCHF), extrabudgetary sources - 50% of the total cost Leading executor: RRC KI «Kurchatov institute» for ALICE, ATLAS, and LHC-B Co-executor: LIT JINR (Dubna) for the CMS experiment Project goal: creation in Russia of a computer-based system for processing experimental data received at the LHC and provision of Grid-services for a subsequent analysis of these data at the distributed centers of the LHC global Grid- system. Core of the proposal: development and creation of a working prototype of the first- level center for data processing within the LHC experiments with a resource volume not less than 15% of the required one and a full set of grid-services for a subsequent distributed analysis of these data. Joint NRC "Kurchatov Institute"– JINR Tier1 ComputingCentre Joint NRC "Kurchatov Institute" – JINR Tier1 Computing Centre

13 The Core of LHC Networking: LHCOPN and Partners 13

JINR CMS Tier-1 progress ● Disk & server installation and tests: done ● Tape system installation: done ● Organization of network infrastructure and connectivity to CERN via GEANT: done ● Registration in GOC DB and APEL: done ● Tests of WLCG services via Nagios: done 2012(done) CPU (HEPSpec06) Number of core Disk (Terabytes) Tape (Terabytes)

CMS-specific activity ● Currently commissioning Tier-1 resource for CMS: – Local Tests of CMS VO-services and CMS SW – The PhEDEx LoadTest (tests of data transfer links) – Job Robot Tests (or tests via HammerCloud) – Long-running CPU intensive jobs – Long-running I/O intensive jobs ● PHDEDX transferred of RAW input data to our storage element with transfer efficiency around 90% ● Prepared services and data storage for the reprocessing of TeV reprocessing

Services Security (GSI) Security (GSI) Computing Element (CE) Computing Element (CE) Storage Element (SE) Storage Element (SE) Monitoring and Accounting Monitoring and Accounting Virtual Organizations (VOMS) Virtual Organizations (VOMS) Workload management (WMS) Workload management (WMS) Information service (BDII) Information service (BDII) File transfer service (FTS + PhEDEx) File transfer service (FTS + PhEDEx) SQUID Server SQUID Server CMS user services (Reconstruction Services, Analysis Services etc) CMS user services (Reconstruction Services, Analysis Services etc) 17

19 ObjectiveTarget date Presentation the Execution Plan to WLCG OBSep 2012 Prototype Disk & Servers installation and testsOct 2012 Tape system installationNov 2012 Organization of network infrastructure and connectivity to CERN via GEANT (2 Gb)Nov 2012 WLCG OPN integration (2 Gb) and JINR-T1 registration in GOCDB including integration with the APEL accounting system Dec 2012 M1Dec 2012 LHC OPN functional tests (2 Gb)May 2013 Test of WLCG and CMS services (2 Gb LHCOPN)May 2013 Test of tape system at JINR: data transfers from CERN to JINR (using 2 Gb LHC OPN)May 2013 Test of publishing accounting dataMay 2013 Definition of Tier 2 sites supportMay 2013 Connectivity to CERN 10 GbJul 2013 M2Jul 2013 LHC OPN functional tests (10 Gb)Aug 2013 Test of tape system at JINR: data transfers from CERN to JINR (using 10 Gb LHC OPN)Aug 2013 Upgrade of tape, disk and CPU capacity at JINRNov 2013 M3Nov % of the job capacity running for at least 2 months Storage availability > 98% (functional tests) for at least 2 months Running with > 98% Availabilities & Reliabilities for at least 30 days WLCG MoU as an associate Tier-1 centerFeb 2014 Disk & Tape & Servers upgradeOct 2014 M4Dec 2014 Milestones of the JINR CMS Tier-1 Deployment and Commissioning

Lyon/CCIN2P3 Barcelona/PIC De-FZK US-FNAL Ca- TRIUMF NDGF CERN US-BNL UK-RAL Taipei/ASGC 26 June 2009 Amsterdam/NIKHEF-SARA Bologna/CNAF Russia: NRC KI JINR

21 Staffing ROLE FTE Administrative1.5 Network support2 Engineering Infrastructure 2.5 Hardware support3 Core software and WLCG middleware 4.5 CMS Services 3.5 Total17 Korenkov V. Dolbilov A. Shmatov S. Trofimov V. Mitsyn V.