World Marketing Conference January 12,
An initiative of KKL-JNF Nurture a KKL-JNF young, professional, sustainability-oriented leadership Support existing KKL-JNF expertise and address new environmental challenges Position KKL-JNF as a leading environmental organization in Israel and Europe Mission 1 Creating a German – Israeli Young Leadership platform promoting KKL-JNF's environmental agenda in the 21st century.
An initiative of KKL-JNF Bi-annual seminar cycle 25 young professionals from Israel and Germany Alumni network greenXchange structure and main activities 2 Cooperation with other sustainability-oriented organizations Regular workshops Hub for sustainable innovation – inside and outside KKL – JNF Capacity building for the next greenXchange seminars
An initiative of KKL-JNF Connecting young Israeli and German professionals Personal exchange creates long-lasting ties Fostering sustainable environmental and social change in our societies greenXchange enriches German-Israeli relations 3
An initiative of KKL-JNF Sustainable Relations 4 Bridge between Israel and Germany Professional and personal exchange between Germans and Israelis on environmental topics creates a viable connection. Shape sustainable change The joint experience of greenXchange encourages participants to actively engage in shaping a sustainable and social change in their countries and within their societies.
An initiative of KKL-JNF Content & Objectives 5 Building and engaging a new generation of young leaders by KKL-JNF & for KKL-JNF Continuous Engagement with KKL-JNF Hands-on projects w/ KKL-JNF Activities with partner organizations Interdisciplinary environmental seminars Academic cooperation
An initiative of KKL-JNF Previous seminars 2014
An initiative of KKL-JNF 7 From March 28 th -31 st, 2014, greenXchangers had a seminar within the KKL- JNF European Leadership Conference. The discussuins wetre about plans for the current year and beyond and they presented the greenXchange project in front of European KKL-JNF leaders which participated in the ELC. 17 greenXchangers from Israel and Germany were joined by colleagues from other KKL-JNF offices from France, Greece, Italy, and others. EU Leadership Meeting
An initiative of KKL-JNF Upcoming seminar Field trip to Green Ventures , Leipzig Partners and supportersA joint initiative of 36 highly qualified young professionals and students from Germany/ Israel Panel Discussion on “Smart Cities Israel and Germany” Tailor-made program getting to know the industry perspective on green technologies incl. presentations on environmental issues Germany/ Israel Under the patronage of Federal Environment Minister Dr. Barbara Hendricks
An initiative of KKL-JNF 9 ?v=MsgTSoPyqtE&list=UUtYGoTY o6JOBnmZGzs8SzZA#t=2m20s
An initiative of KKL-JNF 10 1 Selection 2BiomassUsage of KKL-JNF’s forests/ groves as biomass feedstock for producing renewable energy. Applied knowledge from current methods in Germany. Status: In progress; has passed two economic feasibility studies with recommendations 3Forest- Community Interface Developing an open source format to access information about KKL-JNF forests to the public. Creating a KKL-JNF Forest Community that will benefit both the society and environment. Developing KKL’s eYarok webpage. Status: In progress 4Eco- documentary Eco-documentary film competition, targeting Israeli high schools with proclaimed green curriculum. Students will create a short environmental film which will be distributed and judged in a competition on social media Status: Might be implemented, still waiting for response Proposed project 1 Description 1Floating solar cells/ Solaris Floating solar cells on KKL-JNF reservoir for electricity production and evaporation prevention Status: Implemented, September 2014: joined investment KKL-JNF/ Chief Scientist’s Office Practice projects
An initiative of KKL-JNF Cooperations: social engagement 11
An initiative of KKL-JNF greenXchange experience 12 Sandra, 25, International Business Researcher Members of the greenXchange group come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, but we all face similar problems… Leon, 28, Master student There are many highly motivated people here and our joint mission is to connect with what KKL-JNF is doing- Valentina, 24, Master Student I found the seminar particularly fascinating... Until now, I primarily saw these issues from a German point of view. Now I have a wider perspective.
An initiative of KKL-JNF Thank you! 13 Visit our website: