CoPILOT: supporting librarians in sharing their teaching material internationally. Nancy Graham (University of Birmingham) Dr Jane Secker (London School of Economics) LIR Seminar 2013: Liberty Hall, Dublin
Today’s talk Who are we? Why a Community of Practice? 2012 survey of librarians CoPILOT Committee JISC/HEA CoPILOT project outcomes Where are we heading? Questions/comments?
Project team Dr Jane Secker ▫ Copyright & Digital Literacy Advisor at London School of Economics and Political Science ▫ Previous IL OER projects include JISC funded DELILA Nancy Graham ▫ Subject Librarian at University of Birmingham ▫ Previous IL RLO projects include BRUM, CaRILLO and DELILA Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg ▫ Programme specialist (Communication and Information Sector) at UNESCO
Why share Information Literacy resources via a CoP?
Survey results 2012 How librarians share teaching material April 2012 for one month 101 responses from UK, Europe, US and beyond Findings indicate lots of closed sharing BUT a willingness to share openly Available at survey/ survey/
Survey findings
CoPILOT Committee One day event at Birmingham Several attendees formed committee Kick off meeting November 2012 Aim: to support UK librarians in sharing openly Mailing list Wiki:
JISC/HEA Project CoPILOT: aims Part of JISC/HEA UKOER Phase 3 Programme 2 month timescale UNESCO WSIS KC platform Posted links to IL material Discussions on OER and Creative Commons
Project CoPILOT: outcomes 35 members from 14 countries worldwide 19 links posted to English, Spanish, German and French IL resources 53 discussion posts on 8 different topics Report, case study and post-project survey Strategy for sharing IL OERS now available
Where are we heading? Regular committee meetings Open licence event on 30 th May at Uni of Surrey Symposium at LILAC on 26 th March Workshop at OER13 on 27 th March New project with UNESCO and IFLA to upgrade InfoLit Global
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