Early civilization Spread along similar latitudes No need for new crop innovation Allows for other development
Empires aim for coastlines Easier to… Travel Attack Why not Pacific Ocean?
What empires exist today? Where/how can countries expand?
U rban centers M erchant power P ope’s power declined I individualism R ecovery from the Black Death earlier E ngland and France at war
A. Focus on Secular (non-religious) Pursuits B. “Renaissance Man”: W ell-rounded I ntelligent/curious G ood manners Leonardo da Vinci: THE Renaissance Man
Book on how a gentleman should act “Although some qualities are common to both and are as necessary for a man as for a woman, there are yet others that befit a woman more than a man, and others that befit as man to which a woman ought to be a complete stranger. I say this of bodily exercises; in her ways, manners, words, gestures, and bearing, a woman ought to be very unlike a man; it is seemly for a woman to have a soft delicate tenderness,.... And I do think that beauty is more necessary to her than to the Courtier, for truly that woman lacks much who lacks beauty....”
How to govern Famous Quotes: “The end justifies the means.” “Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.” “A ruler must be both a lion and a fox.”
Non-dimensional Dull colors Religious Anonymous Disproportionate
Creates an illusion of depth on a flat surface School of Athens by RAPHAEL
Drawing and sculpting people as they are – perfect and imperfect Michaelangelo
Pieta, 1499 David, 1504
A. 1517: Martin Luther writes 95 Theses against church, founds own religion (Lutheran) Catholic church never recovers from split “Justification by faith alone” B. 1521: Excommunicated, but not executed… Figure 1: The guy we’re talking about Figure 2: Not the guy we’re talking about
A. Re-establish authority Inquisition B. Council of Trent (1545) Almost 20 years Re-affirms most beliefs IS THIS REALLY HELPING?
With hocked gems financing him Our hero bravely defied all scornful laughter That tried to prevent his scheme Your eyes deceive, he said, An egg, Not a table, Correctly typifies this unexplored domain. Now three sturdy sisters sought proof Forging along sometimes through calm vastness Yet more often over turbulent peaks and valleys Days became weeks As many doubters spread fearful rumours About the edge At last from nowhere winged creatures appeared Signifying momentous success.
1. Glory! 2. God! 3. Gold! Lumber Gold/silver Food/Medicine Animal skins/fur
1. New resources 2. Different trade routes 3. New colonies to own 4. Knowledge of the world At what cost?
A. China, Japan, India build very advanced societies in East Asia B. Lose desire to communicate with West C. Development slows Figure 1: Early Japanese Samurai Figure 2: Last Samurai Figure 3: Dwarfing Columbus
Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? Christianity? Buddhism? Non-religion? Atheism?
What did President Obama have to say about the mosque that we read about? Do you agree or disagree with the president’s statement? What makes a space sacred? The article says that “sacred spaces…will never be the same to all people, so their management demands particular humility.” How should people act in sacred spaces?
Judaism Name of DeityGod (Yahweh) FounderAbraham Holy BookHebrew Bible (including the Torah) LeadershipRabbis Basic BeliefsThere is only one God; God loves and protects his people but also holds people accountable for their sins and shortcomings; Persons serve God by studying the Torah and living by its teachings
Buddhism Name of DeityThe Buddha did not teach a personal deity FounderThe Buddha Holy BookNo one book—sacred texts including the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra LeadershipBuddhist monks and nuns Basic BeliefsPersons achieve complete peace and happiness (nirvana) by eliminating material possessions; Nirvana achieved by following the Noble Eightfold Path
Christianity Name of DeityGod FounderJesus Christ Holy BookBible LeadershipClergy (priests, ministers, etc.) Basic BeliefsThere is only one God; Jesus Christ was the son of God. He died to save humanity from sin, making eternal life possible for others; Persons achieve salvation by following teachings of Jesus
Hinduism Name of DeityThree main Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva FounderNo one founder Holy BookNo one book, sacred texts including the Vedas, the Puranas LeadershipGuru, Holy Man, Braham priest Basic BeliefsThe soul never dies but is continually reborn; Persons achieve happiness after freeing themselves of earthly desires, Freedom from earthly desires comes from lifetime of worship, knowledge, and virtuous acts.
Islam Name of DeityGod (Allah) FounderMuhammad Holy BookQur’an LeadershipImam Basic BeliefsPersons achieve salvation by following the Five Pillars of Islam and living a just life. These pillars are faith, almsgiving, fasting (Ramadan), pilgrimage to Mecca, and prayer,
Islam is the religion and Muslims are people who understand, believe, and practice Islam properly, i.e. according to the text. Islam is to Christianity what Muslims are to Christians. War Over Ground Zero-Religious Tolerance Today?
Use pages in text to complete “Where in the World is Sarmen Candiego?” activity. Work in partners to complete the following: You must create a comic strip of at least three frames that has the following : At least two people arguing over the difference between their religions The same people realizing their religions have something in common A religious symbol for each person Something in the background, on their clothes, etc. that shows me what religion they are You are not allowed to write on the paper what religion they are—I should be able to tell from drawing