The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple WWME Community Provides “Service” “Engaging The New Couple in WWME” The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple WWME Community Provides “Service” “Engaging The New Couple in WWME” The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”)
The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) Balancing “Inlets/Outlets” Christ preached that growing your spiritual life requires a balance of faith (or those people/things that bring you closer to God = “Inlets”) and works (or good deeds, service to God’s people = “Outlets”). Think of the Dead Sea which has only an inlet, and the Sea of Galilee, which, by comparison, teems with life because it has both an inlet and an outlet. Look for a balance of “Inlets” and “Outlets” for everyone involved in each stage of “The WWME Circle of Life”.
The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) It is the Holy Spirit who ultimately invites a new couple to join in God’s mission (we just help provide the earthly tools—He is the potter we are the clay).
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) It takes an entire Area to put on a great weekend. All 4 Pillars must be pulling together. Presenting Team must insure there is a proper “hand-off” of New Couple to Prayer Couple, Community, and Service to WWME.
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) The Prayer Couple is absolutely critical to the long term success of WWME and their community (i.e., New Couple = vibrant, passionate, “new blood”), and, even more importantly, the short term success of the new couple!
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) It is nice (and OK) to feel that sense of “belonging” that a community of people we know and trust brings us. It is hard to welcome new people when all you really want, or believe you need, to do is share with the ones you have known for years. However, what eventually happens to a community that does not encourage new members to join?
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple WWME Community Provides “Service” “Engaging The New Couple in WWME” The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple The WWME “Circle of Life” (Balancing “Inlets/Outlets”) “Service” is an individual/community/ area-wide “outlet” opportunity. It can be something as involved as facilitating our Community’s Romance Dinner or as small as wearing our ME shirts as a couple to our parish’s service night at the soup kitchen. Keep our New Couples engaged and you will keep them in Community and WWME. Let our light shine!
New Couple Attends WWME Weekend or Experience Prayer Couple 1.Greets W/E or Experience 2.Mentors the New Couple into Community WWME Community Provides Love & Support To New Couple WWME Community Provides “Service” “Engaging The New Couple in WWME” The Holy Spirit “Invites” A New Couple Whenever you let your couple light shine thru service, either directly or indirectly, you are Inviting. This gives the Holy Spirit the chance to inspire another new couple to God’s Mission for them. Thus continuing The WWME “Circle of Life”
What are some opportunities for Community? Prayer Couple formation Presentation on this topic, 10/10, and Group Sharing Service Opportunities? Inviting Opportunities? Select Community “Inviting Leader” Select Community “Parish Reps”
What are some opportunities for Inviting? Develop Area “Inviting Board” (Community Inviting Leaders) Update Inviting Box Share inviting Best Practices/Tools Mass Talks Inviting (Service) Opportunities