History Israel and Christianity
Israelites Loose collection of nomadic groups Engaged in herding Later became sedentary Lived in permanent settlements due to… farming
Stories of Israelites Hebrew Bible Old Testament of Christians Collection of interpretations of past events Not written down until tenth (900 BCE) century BCE Written in Phoenician language Text today comes from 4 th Century BCE (300 BCE) Written in language closely related to Phoenician known as…. Hebrew
Christianity Was founded in the early 1st century AD, with the teaching, miracles, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Religious book is the bible. Today it is the largest religion in the world, with around 2 billion followers. Especially dominant in the western world. Christianity has a wide variety of forms, beliefs and practices but all center around faith in Jesus Christ.
Beliefs The beginnings of the Israelites began with the family of …. Abraham in the Mesopotamian city of Ur Traveled w/ family to land of Israel
Beliefs Land was promised to as part of pact with Israelite god known as…. Yahweh Abraham’s son Isaac and grandson Jacob became leader of Israelites
Exodus of Israelites from Egypt Enslaved by Egyptians Led out of captivity by Moses Wondered in the desert for 40 years Yahweh made covenant with Israelites If they worship him, they will be “Chosen people” This was confirmed in the…. 10 Commandments
Settling of Israelites Successor of Moses--Joshua settled in the land of Canaan in 13 th Century BCE 12 Tribes of Israel Claimed to be the decedents from the sons of Jacob or Joseph
Monarchy of Israel Established monarchy due to conflict with the Philistines Saul became first king of Israel in 1020 BCE David became second king c BCE Established Israeli capital of Jerusalem Solomon ruled from c BCE Israel became wealthier due to trade First Temple of Jerusalem built
Split of Israel Split into two in 920 BCE Israel in north Judah in South Why? Death of Solomon Citizens resented demands of monarchy
Conquering of the Israelites Assyrians destroyed Israel in 721 BCE Chaldean Babylonians under leadership of … Nebuchadnezzar captured Judah’s capital in 587 BCE Enslaved many of Judah’s citizens
Diaspora Greek word meaning scattering Due to conquering of Assyrians and Babylonian captivity Caused many Jews to leave homeland and not return since independent Israel no longer existed
Then what?! “Israel” was lead by many rulers and countries ending with the Muslims and the British UNTIL WWII Anti-Semitism Jews flee to Palestine British notice conflicts between Jewish population and Palestinians
Independence Israel created where it had historically been May 14, 1948 Declared an independent state 1948 Arab-Israeli war While the establishment of the state of Israel was seen by Christian Zionists as a sign that God was fulfilling his promises to Abraham and Jacob, the early political leaders of Israel were primarily secular. Still conflicts in the area: Gaza strip and the West Bank
Review Origins of the Israelites Father of the Israelites Introduced “covenant” with God to Israelites Established Jerusalem as capital of Israeli people Built Temple of Jerusalem Two groups that destroyed Israel and Judah Diaspora