Topic 10 – Technology and Hopsital Organisation 1)TechMed scenario covers In the scenario: “Technology is used extensively throughout the hospital to support the day-to-day running of the hospital business.” “Electronic signs and large screen displays are used in each hospital to give information about the hospital and its services” “TechMed2014 strives to be a paper free organisation”
Key terms Paper-Free Storing digital documentation Hospital created documents Test Results Hospital received documents Accessing digital documentation Computer access Computer requirements File Formats Benefits Cost Saving File access – easier, only one paper copy Electronic health records Document disposal – no need to shred File Back-up
Key terms Electronic Signs and Large Screen Displays LED Displays Placed at strategic places around the hospital Photos and images Hospital web pages Audio and Video Scrolling Text Directional Signs Check-in-Displays Large screens in waiting rooms and refreshment areas, staff rooms
Key terms Electronic Signs and Large Screen Displays Control Direction signs Waiting times Menus and items for sale in refreshment areas General purpose and dynamic content. Benefits Can show uptodate health issues quickly Cheaper than posters in the long run Lit background – more visibility Dynamic
Key terms Technology and Hospital Business Electronic Health Records Inventory Control Management Customer Relationship management Finance and Accountancy Human resources management Bar code Patient Identification Patient Identification wristbands Wristband printers