Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples Multiethnic Missional Multiplying
The GCI Story CSI– Key Church Strategy –1987 New Directions—1997 One Church, Many Congregations Acts 1:8 Strategy– 2001? London – 2003 Skunkworks Group San Francisco – 2004 Texas GCI—2005 GCI officially organized—2008 Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples
The GCI Story Key Church as a church planting strategy – Typically key churches doubled community penetration in three years – Then they stalled out at between church plants because of Declining (denominational) resources Structural design (addition as opposed to multiplication) Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples
The GCI Story New Directions – Sometimes slower initial growth – CPM’s resulted Not dependent on outside resources Structural design (multiplication as opposed to addition) Question from London – Why not in the United States? Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples
Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples Multiethnic Missional Multiplying
Multiethnic, With a Twist “Multi-ethnicity” and “panta ta ethne.” – Hebrew “am” and “goyim.” – Greek “laos,” “demos,” “polis” and “ethnos” – English “nations” and “peoples (ethnics)”
A New Term– “Polyethnic” “Multi-ethnicity” attempts to blenderize cultures – Seeks lowest common denominators – Ignores or obliterates ethnic distinctives/worldviews “Polyethnic” is an affirmation of cultures – Affirms commonalities – But not at the expense of cultural/worldview distinctives
Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples Multiethnic Missional Multiplying
Missional Missional is an evangelism, discipleship, and ministry approach for being the church in which the church has: – An Acts 1:8 approach for its mission – Incarnational – Every believer a missionary – Evangelism, discipleship, and ministry are one Spiritual Inhaling-Exhaling
Great Commission Initiative Igniting CPM’s among the unreached peoples Multiethnic Missional Multiplying
Multiplying The Realities and Issues of Church Planting Movements – Mark 4:1-20– “The Parable of the Sower” shows God’s heart. – The realities of 21 st century life show that CPM’s are the only way we will ever reach significant numbers of non-believers.
CPM- Definition A Church Planting Movement is occurring – when local churches, – through the use of their lay members and staff, – are engaging the lost and – planting indigenous local churches – whose lay members go out and plant additional generations of churches. – Doubling of the churches begins to occur every 4- 5 years.
The Forest Meadow Story Forest Meadow Baptist Church Following Jesus Christ from Dallas to the ends of the earth
FMBC Family of Churches I.B. Forest Meadow Sudanese Community Church The Well Pleasant Woods Apts. TEAM Church Zambian Light Rockwall House Church Nepalese House Church Mesquite House Church I.B. Ivy Dinka Anglican Hurst Sud. Bedford Sud. Arlingto n Sud. Uduk Sud. Me’en Sud. FBC Sud. Stone bridge Journe y Crossin g Key stone Life Pointe Life House Break throug h Gate way Stone water Rock bridge TEAM Church Plant Guate malan House Church Nepales e House Church Indian House Church I.B. Luzy Verda d I.B. Indigo I.B. Hebro n Nepales e House Church The Spring High land Malek Sud. Aliet Sud. Amook m Sud. Nepales e House Church Park land House Church Guate malan House Church In 2003, FMBC was one congregation......averaging less than 30 in attendance In the last six years, we’ve planted 9 congregations That have planted 28 congregations......That planted eight congregations Averaging more than 6500 in attendance!! A total of 45 Congregations in Six Years
I.B. Forest Meadow Sudanese Community Church The Well TEAM Church Zambian Light Rockwall House Church 8 Nepalese House Churches Mesquite House Church Pleasant Woods Apts. 1 st Bhutanese Baptist Oromo Baptist Evangelical I.B. Ivy Dinka Anglican Hurst Sud. Bedford Sud. Arlington Sud. Uduk Sud. Me’en Sud. FBC Sud. Stone bridge Journey Crossing Key stone Life Pointe Life House Break through Gate way Stone water Rock bridge TEAM Church Plant Guatem alanHo use Church 15 H.C. Flint MI Indian House Church I.B. Luzy Verdad I.B. Indigo I.B. Hebro n 9 H.C. Verde Valley AZ TEAM Church Plant 111 Congregations in attendance 6 Nepalese House Church Bulgarian Community High land Malek Sud. Aliet Sud. Pakam 3 Sud. 4 Nepalese House Church Park land House Church Guatem alanHo use Church I.B.Torre Fuerte The Spring South Bay Fllwshp Mission Trails Amookm Sud. Pakam 2 Sud. Pakam Sud. 10 H.C. Verde Valley 15 H.C. Flint MI 2 H.C. Asheville, NC I.B.Torre Fuerte FLA Ibulgarian CP 5 Nepalese House Church Five Generations of Church Plants
7 Step Planting Strategy LEADERSHIP Training “ Questions People and Churches Ask” steps 1 & 2 “ Questions People and Churches Ask” steps 1 & 2 Let This Mind Be in You Let This Mind Be in You FOUNDATION –(I Cor. 3:11) (I Thessalonians 1:5) “Indigenous C. P.” In review - page 3, #5) (Power) Jesus “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:17), * Holy Spirit (John 14:12,25,26) (Power) Jesus “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:17), * Holy Spirit (John 14:12,25,26) (Seed) Gods Word, - (Romans 10:17)( I Corinthians 3: 6) (Seed) Gods Word, - (Romans 10:17)( I Corinthians 3: 6) (Sower) God’s call, - (Jeremiah 1:4) (Sower) God’s call, - (Jeremiah 1:4) (Soil) Target group God has called you to witness to – (Acts 16:7-10, 26:19-20) (Soil) Target group God has called you to witness to – (Acts 16:7-10, 26:19-20) Step # 1 Step # 2 Step # 3 Step # 4 SALVATION – ( Seed) Good News for You (Red Book) Good News for You (Red Book) Step # 5 DISCIPLESHIP (Watered) “Born Again What Next”… (Green Book) “Born Again What Next”… (Green Book) Step # 6 Step # 7 DECISION to be a Church – (formal) Galatians * John, * Romans * Philippians Galatians * John, * Romans * Philippians TRAINING – (Sower) Leading a Bible study (Purple book) Leading a Bible study (Purple book) STRATEGY – (The Sower’s tools) Indigenous Church Planting (Blue book) Indigenous Church Planting (Blue book) Always be thinking: Reproduction Leader development II Timothy 2:2 Always be thinking: Reproduction Leader development II Timothy 2:2 Dr. BROCK’S MATERIALS Manual for Volunteer missions Manual for Volunteer missions (Dark Blue book) (Dark Blue book)
Wrap-up Key Elements – Identify the lost, unreached people groups and people group segments God wants you to reach. – Research, at the worldview level, to identify the bridges and barriers to the gospel within your people group. – Design an evangelism/discipleship process that replaces faith in the barriers with faith in Christ. – Implement your design.
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