Welcome back after a busy holiday. We are all settling into our new classroom. This year we are a mixed year 3 and 4 class and have a busy year to look.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome back after a busy holiday. We are all settling into our new classroom. This year we are a mixed year 3 and 4 class and have a busy year to look forward to! Miss Wassall …. Well, we have a very busy term ahead of us! 10 th September Road Safety road Show 17 th September After School clubs start back 24 th October Dr Who Day 25 th October School Disco 26th October Half term 15 th November Polling day 16 th November Inset day 19 th November Anti bullying week 11 th and 12 th December Christmas concert 21 st December End of term Reading: We will be learning to read by having Guided Reading sessions weekly. We can change our individual books when we have finished them, even though our teacher may not hear us read them. Bring them daily just in case. CAPER: We can change these in our class libraries weekly. P.E: Friday ( Outdoor kits) PE: Thursday ( Indoor kit) Music is on Wednesdays. We start school at 8.50 am. In our class we have a pet hamster called Lucky. We will take it in turns to care for her. If anybody would like to look after Lucky, over the weekend or during a holiday please let me know. All after school clubs will start back Monday 17 th of September. Fruit :30p a day Water bottles on sale in the office £1.20

Back to the future!!!! h ttp:// ges/8_9/circuits_conductors.shtml /clusters/blender/index.shtml lug.shtml hms.shtml This term in English we will be writing recounts, poetry and instructions. In story telling we will be learning the story “Dr Who and the Drashig”, and then creating our own stories. I can’t wait!! Our maths work this term will look at place value to a 1000, addition and subtraction within 1000, division and multiplication of the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables, fractions (thirds, fifths and tenths), 2D and 3D shape, and capacity. Science will all be about investigating Earth and Space, looking at day and night and the solar system. We will also create circuits and look at the dangers of electricity. Lots of experiments ahead!! During our geography topic we will be looking at our local area of Margam. We will investigate the local land use and physical and human features. In art we will be look at the work of Mary Quant a designer and also be practising our colour mixing. We will also be practising our word processing skills and creating presentations related to our topic in ICT. Also we will be learning how to stay safe online with Hectors World. Our D&T topic is all about moving toys and we will create our own. In R.E we will be exploring harvest, rules and Christmas traditions. In history we will look at the Talbot family, transport of the past and famous historical people of Port Talbot!! In P.E we will be having games, gym and dance. During our welsh lessons we will be learning the patterns: Beth wyt ti’n hoffi …., Dw I’n hoffi…, Beth wyt ti ddim yn hoffi.., Dw I ddim yn hoffi…, Ble wyt ti’n byw?, Dw I’n byw yn, Faint ydy dy oed di? and Pa lliw…? Reading your individual reading books and practising your 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. You can also research and collect items for our topic. Some useful websites: