Prayer for the Non-Passage of the Reproductive Health Bill
Oh God our Father, source and origin of life, make us always grateful for the gift of life, especially of the gift of children.
During these trying times in our society where our legislators and leaders view children as burdens and a drag to our progress and economic advancement and thus has brought about the formulation of a Reproductive Health Bill, we ask for your Holy Spirit for enlightenment and truth.
We ask for your mercy and forgiveness for those who as of now fail to see the sanctity of life in every human being especially of the unborn. Make us aware that artificial family planning is not the answer to our current problems.
But instead open the hearts of our leaders for them to realize that the goods of the earth are meant to be shared by all. Teach us to be patient, humble and dignified in spirit even in the face of meager means of livelihood.
Most Blessed Mother Mary, create in us the resignation to God’s will, to accept the children given to us just as you have received the Child Jesus.
Our dear St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus and powerful guardian of the Holy Family, protect our Filipino families in this our struggle against the powers of the enemy.
Our Father, we lift up to you our prayers in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.