Chapter II Agents of Formation Guidelines for Initial Formation in the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States
Vatican II calls for ongoing con- version in the life of the Church “The Church, containing sinners in its own bosom, is at one and the same time holy and always in need of purification and it pursues increasingly penance and renewal … under the action of the Holy Spirit, it does not cease from renewing itself until, through the cross, it arrives at the light which knows no setting. (Lumen gentium #8 and #9)
Formation A continuous process of conversion of candidates and members of the SFO. A personalized procedure involving – the totality of the human person, – the charism and – the spiritual growth of the person. In the process of formation, there is a necessary interaction between those forming and those who are being formed — all are continually being formed and are forming one another.
General Constitutions Article 37.2 “Mindful that the Holy Spirit is the principal agent of formation and always attentive with collaboration with Him, those responsible for formation are the candidate, the entire fraternity, the council with the minister, the master of formation, and the assistant.”
Agents of Formation A.The Holy Spirit B.The Candidate C.The Local Fraternity D.The Fraternity Council E.The Formation Director and the Formation Team F.The Spiritual Assistant G.The Sponsor H.Higher Levels of Fraternity
A. THE HOLY SPIRIT The Primary Agent of Formation The Holy Spirit: calls and prompts human beings to holiness, inspires and conforms us to the image of the Son, draws us into the Franciscan Family, and is the primary agent of formation.
Candidate must: be open to the Spirit, and to the Word of God; become more aware of the importance of prayer and of spiritual direction – to hear, – to seek, – to understand the action of the Spirit – in the Church and – in the Fraternity
General Constitutions Article 37.3 “The brothers and sisters are responsible for their own formation, developing in an ever more perfect way the vocation received from the Lord.”
B. THE CANDIDATE The Primary Responsi bility The candidate, who is the center around whom every formation activity revolves, bears the primary responsibility for his/her own spiritual growth, and shares and interacts in the formation process.
1. Formation – the development of the total human personality Formation is not instruction alone, but rather the development of the total human personality which must be loved, respected and understood. Formation is the process of a gradual unfolding of a person’s identity as a child of God.
Certain consequences follow from this: Candidate’s – Self-Formation – Contribution – Disposition
A) Self-formation is primary in the development of the adult person, and this reality must be communicated to the candidate by the Formation Team.
B) The candidate brings to the Fraternity natural abilities and values, and supernatural gifts which enrich all the sisters and brothers in their mutual sharing of Gospel experiences.
C) The candidate is a free person – who seeks to follow Christ Jesus in the footprints of St. Francis; and through a process of discernment, – strives to clarify his/her own vocation to the Secular Franciscan Order.
General Constitutions Article 38.1 “The time of initiation … is intended for the discernment of the vocation and for the reciprocal acquaintance between the fraternity and the aspiring member.” “It should generate the freedom and the seriousness of entrance into the SFO.”
2. Requirements for Membership (Gen. Const. Art. 39.2) Freedom from impediments as found in the General Constitutions and in the Code of Canon Law. “To show clear signs (positive indications) of a vocation”:
Positive indications of a vocation A strong desire for conversion and spiritual growth; A spirit of hope and optimism; A spirit of renewal and a desire for updating; A good sense of humor, common sense, and the proven ability to get along with others; A whole-hearted dedication to Christ and the Church which is both personal and ecclesial; A desire to study the spirit of Franciscanism.
3. Expectations of the Fraternity and the Formation Director/Team A willingness: To take an active part in dialogue and study, in the Formation process and in the life of the Fraternity; To share talents, charism and gifts, both personal and material, with the Fraternity and with others; And ability of being the active agent of their own formation and personal spiritual growth.
C. THE LOCAL FRATERNITY The local Fraternity has a special place in the Formation process since "the entire community is engaged in this process of growth by its own manner of living" (SFO RULE #23). “The fraternity is called to help the brothers and sisters in their journey by means of a warm welcome, prayer and example.” (Gen. Const. Art. 37.3)
1. The shared life experience of the local Fraternity Is a continuous formative experience shared by all the members, both candidates and professed.
Some elements in this formation process are: Personal interaction with the sisters and brothers of the Fraternity … ; Sharing of lived experiences in our Franciscan way of life; The continuous formation and education process of ALL MEMBERS; Fraternity prayer and reflection, Retreats, Days of Recollection, Franciscan Community experiences; Sharing in common ministries and apostolic activities.
2. A formative or educating community The Local Fraternity is truly a formative or educating community when it presents itself as: – a warm, human group — an extended family and a primary support group for all the members; – a living ecclesial community celebrating the mystery of salvation; – an opportunity to experience fraternity in the Franciscan tradition;
2. A formative or educating community (Cont.) – a community open to other ecclesial communities, cooperating with them in the work of the Kingdom of God; – a Christian community striving to be a basic ecclesial community (BEC) in the correct theological sense by engaging its members in worship, education, ministry, communication and leisure.
Discussion Questions Give an example of when you felt the Holy Spirit directly call, inspire, draw or influencing you. How did you know? How can you assist a candidate in discerning a vocation? Give some examples. Share some ideas as to how you discerned your vocation or that of someone in your fraternity.