China Keyword this will be fleshed out shortly but you can learn it now Remember, you do not need to use this – only do so if you feel it will help – the work you have already done will probably be just as effective.
When tackling a China question, the keyword below could prove helpful COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA What the letters stand for is shown below. To quote Graham Norton, they are in no particular order.
Communist Party Oppression & Human Rights Market Economy Migrant Labour Unemployment New jobs required each year Internet, TV, Mobiles Social Changes Town (urban) v Country (rural) inequalities Pollution & other environmental problems Agriculture Reforms to Political System Tibet Young suffer from poor education in many areas One-child policy & how it has changed Free political parties or Trade Unions banned Corruption & Crime Health inequlities Investment from abroad New wealth in China has limited demand for change Africa and other areas show Chinese growing influence
Don't try to learn everything that follows – you will already know much of it in any case. Simply read through it a few times, highlighting some facts and allowing the information to sink in. This will help you to piece together China as a topic in your head.
C O M M U N I S T Communist Party – world's largest political party – 76 million members in 2009 – complete control of government – many members however real power lies with 9 members of ruling Politburo and around 20 others close to it. CPC maintains power by censorship, military and police – also by party structure which reaches into every area of Chinese life – party members in all organisations such as factories and schools – however corruption within the party has been extensive – but present leadership has recognised problem and promised to tackle corruption however some do not believe are serious about this and in any case party so big it will take time long time to remove corruption Oppression – of opposition groups and dissidents seen as major problem by Western countries – students protesting for democracy in Tianannmen Square in 1989 crushed by army – many killed – since then other forms of dissent crushed - e.g. among its ethnic minorities, including Tibet (see below) - also Falun Gong spiritual movement, which govt describe as an "evil cult" - also Gao Zhisheng- Chinese human rights lawer detained and allegedly tortured by the secret police after taking on human rights cases such as Falun Gong – Gao disappeared in fears for safety - resurfaced in March 2010, having been charged with crimes against the state, said he would no longer criticise the government - disappeared again in April – international Human Rights groups such as Amnesty have criticised China for oppression, torture and executions – western govts have also critisicsed - however west in diffic postion because trade with China so important –could demand change - however some believe best to work with China and encourage change as to demand change could end up ruining relationship and possibly make things worse for govt opponents in long run.
Market Economy - economic transformation - however not been accompanied by political change. CPC leadership have introduced free enterprise - very effective mainly in cities, particularly those on eastern seaboard such as Shanghai – economy has boomed with yearly growth rates above 10% of GDP until recent effects of recession - China on track to become biggest economy in the world and already is one of the world's top exporters - cheap labour costs and efficient methods brought by free enterprise and market economy have attracted record amounts of foreign investment. However while private sector (i.e. privately-owned companies) has boomed, market forces mean old fashioned, inefficient state enterprises (i.e. govt run factories etc.) have closed leading to severe unemployment in some areas. China has earned vast sums of money from exports to West – in turn, has used this money to invest billions of dollars abroad eg in Africa & South America. This gives China influence on govts of these developing countries. As a result, influence of China growing around the world time – source of worry for other major players such as USA - however China is so big very little other countries can do to stop it becoming a superpower Migrant Labour – China’s economic growth increased has demand for workers. Millions of migrant workers have left poor areas in countryside to search for work in cities, particularly on East coast. Wages higher than can earn in home area - however still low and often live & work in very poor conditions – sleep in large dormitories & work long hours (often 90 hour weeks – twice legal limit) – number of migrant workers increased as govt relaxed Hukou permit system which means people can only claim benefits such as education and health care in home area where registered – Hukou was relaxed over past 10 years (introduction of temporary permits) - estimated 100 million migrant workers – however still many illegal migrant workers who still can't claim benefits. Migrant labour has increased standard of living of millions of poor families – however recession has hit them badly – around 20 million migrant workers from China's countryside had lost their jobs in factories in 2009 because of the global downturn -had given up on city life to go back to their families and small plots of land – many stayed in citiy living rough & searching for jobs
Unemployment - economic transformation due to free enterprise & private sector employ millions of workers however when business drops, private companies are quick to release workers – world recession means West has less demand for Chinese exports – many factories have closed – unemployment has risen sharply in some areas – particulay bad for migrant workers – also unemployment increased as state enterprises were allowed to close by govt because they were ineffient and could cope with competition from efficient private sector – New Jobs required each year – Chinese economy 3 rd largest after USA and Japan & fastest growing – incredible growth – over last 30 years has average growth of 10% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product which measures how bit the economy is) – however, China needs rapid growth of around 8% because because population growth means more new workers need jobs each year - recently Chinba still growing quickly by western standards (6% per year) – however not enough and many families now used to higher standards of living – govt concern that mass unemployment can be a major source of social unrest Internet, TV (cable & satellite) & Mobile Phones – New Media – major problem for govt which traditionally depends upon censorship and tight control of media – China now biggest internet using population in the world – however state tries to control - blocks many websites – some arrested for using web to promote dissent – Google tried to work within Chinese restrictions but has led to growing dispute with Chinese govt - satellite & cable TV growing – foreign TV companies have made deals with govt - however lately Beijing has been tightening controls on foreign media companies - says will only allow foreign broadcasts which do not threaten "national security" or "political stability" - has warned local stations that foreign-made TV programmes must be approved before broadcast. Overall, state has tried to make media sector more competitive – more freedom in local areas for newspapers & TV statons – often report on local corruption of CPC officals – however, still control so media does not criticise overall power of communist party - journalists judge what will be acceptable – China has been cricised by one human rights group for having more journailsts in prison than any other country
Social Changes - economic transformation has brought dramatic social changes in many areas – overall increase in standard of living has restricted demand for political changes - however also great inequality – many millionaires but most still living in poverty compared to west – many areas throughout China, particularly the rurual areas, lag far behind booming cities in the east Town (urban) v Country (rural) inequalities - economic gap between cities and countryside is among the largest in the world - - therefore millions of migrant workers search for work in eastern cities - social discontent seen in protests by farmers and workers - as unemployment increases so does threat of unrest - however predictions of widespread unrest with world recession have so far not come true - on the other hand the Govt has responded to rising social tensions and China's wealth gap – Hu Jintao speaks of a a drive to build a "harmonious society" and has promised greater spending on health and education in rural areas. Pollution & other environmental problems – China’s economic success has brought better standard of living for millions however the fast-growing economy has fuelled the demand for energy. China is the largest oil consumer after the US, and the world's biggest producer and consumer of coal. There has been a massive investment in hydro-power, including $25bn Three Gorges Dam project - however China one of the world’s largest polluters – much of coal burned is ‘dirty' and polluting – bad for global environment and many Chinese cities suffer smog - however Chinese govt has ackowledged environment problems and said it will reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions – even plans complete new environmentally friendly cities - because CPC has near total control it can take dramatic steps to address problem (no need to worry about planning objections, etc.) however - scale of environmental problems so great, even dramatic action from govt may not be enough to prevent real damage to world environment
Agriculture – progress has been made in overcoming China's long-standing failure to grow enough food for its population - last 30 years have seen peasants given right to farm small areas of land and more control over what they grow – introduction of market forces to agricutlure – (e.g. local markets) - production increased - however in market economy some do well while others do not – this has happened – growing divide between few successful farmers and many who do much less well & live in great poverty – also examples of local corruption and peasants being evicted from their land – has led to many protests in countryside Reforms to Political System – demand for poltical reform lessened by improvements in standard of living brought about by free enterprise - westerrn countries critical of lack of democracy - however China has a different culture and history from west - Hu Jintao says no Western democratic practices such as the separation of powers or multi-party national elections will be implemented in China - ”would be a blind alley for China” - however Mr Hu said changes and improvements to China's governing systems were still needed – particularly to root out corruption - China has introduced more low-level local elections and improving checks and balances on Communist rule. Tibet – Chinese rule over Tibet is controversial. Human rights groups accuse the authorities of destroying Tibetan Buddhist culture and the persecution of monks loyal to the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader – Tibetan protests over the years have been brutally crushed – thousands have died, been arrested, jailed and allegedly tortured. China has refused to compromise - ignored Dalai Lama's calls for autonomy for Tibet within Chines setup – ignoring protests from international human rights groups – even protests in lead up to Beijing Olympics had little affect - western govts have been critical - however in difficult position due to dependence on trade and economic links - adopt line that better to build relationship and encourage change eventually
Young suffer from poor education in many areas – school education largely funded by local taxes and provided by local govt bodies - however many regional and rural areas away from east coast badly affected by closure of state enterprises, unemployment and poverty among farmers so schools provided are often poor - funding gap between city and courtry is huge - schools supposed to be free however many parents end up paying most of school costs - govt has tried to apply market economy again by encouraging schools to go into business - some assemble toys, even cases of children assembling fireworks or being set to work in mines - has raised some money but still badly underfunded in many areas - however, Hu Jintao has recently promised more spending on education and health in rural areas – wealthy send children to elite private schools One-Child Policy – has existed for 30 years - aims to control population – targets urban couples – exemptions for rural couples - - however claims that some ignore policy including many party officials - now applies only to around 35% of population - however worries about social consequences – increased abortions and even infanticide ibet is controversial - however 75% of population seem to support policy Free political parties and Trade Unions banned – there are elections in China which – however no real opposition because other parties are approved and effectively controlled by Communist Party – also may be choice between candidated but all members CPC - attempts to set up real democratioc political partie have been crushed - Also there are trade unions which speak for workers and may highlight corruprtion etc,. - however controlled by CPC and not free or independent in the way that UK trade unions are.
Corruption & Crime – CPC has 75 million members and a lot of influence – corruption within such an organisation almost inevitable - has become widespread affecting every level of society - each year tens of thousands travel to Beijing to hand in petitions about local corruption - however often ignored and people continue to suffer (e.g. from loss of jobs, eviction from land) – CPC has allowed local media to highlight corruption within party in some areas - like many countries, China has problems with organised crime running illegal drugs, prostitution, illegal immigration – pirated and counterfeit western goods a particular problem - punishments for those convicted are severe – some executed – or long sentences with hard labour in network of prisons and labour campes (network known as The Laogai) – however corruption in police means many criminals remain free Health inequalities – used to be many poor but at least state provided health care in many areas - state has tried to use market forces in health sector - however rich unhappy because health care too inefficient & poor unhappy because can't afford - around a third do not go to doctor because can't afford it - govt has introduced some reforms including investment from western health companies in some hospitals - however biggest problem is health care in rural areas - very poor facilities and lack of trained medical staff as well as very low incomes means people can't afford - traditional Chinese medicine widespread and exists alongside modern techniqus common in west Investment from abroad – China's economic growth as well as massive population (which means a huge market) has attracted massive investment from foreign companies - permitted by Chinese govt cause now more open to rest of world - investment has helped Chinese economy grow rapidly - however some say difficult to do business in China due to reguation and local corruption - some critics claim west should limit business links until China's humna rights record improves however others say stronger links helps encourage China to improve human rights
New wealth in China has limited demand for change – many live in poverty but and growing inequality between rich and poor and between urban & rural is a possible source of social unrest in future - also enomic freedoms could lead to huge demand for more political freedom - however demand for change limited by overall growth in living standards for many sections of population - could be affected by world recession and impact on China if unemployment grows rapidly - people now used to better life - may react badly if begins to get worse Africa and other areas show Chinese growing influence – China has earned huge amounts of money from its success in exporting good to the west - this has let China invest in other parts of the world such as Africa and South America – e.g. Chinese companies are extracting raw materials such as oil and wood from developing countries - this increases Chinese influence around the world - also gain influence through lending money to nations which need to borrow due to world recession, including some western countries - however Western countries worried about this growing power as China becomes a superpower