Sail Course ® Section 17, Heavy Weather Sailing
Sail Course ® Figure 17–1 Storm Jib and Trysail
Sail Course ® Figure 17–2 Jiffy Reefing
Sail Course ® Figure 17–3 Roller Reefing
Sail Course ® Figure 17–4 Reef Points
Sail Course ® Figure 17–5 Securing the Reefed Sail
Sail Course ® Vocabulary Broach Turn a boat broadside to wind or waves, subjecting it to possible capsizing. Knockdown A temporary condition of excessive heel resulting from a sudden increase of wind force. Storm Jib A very small, strongly built jib set in heavy weather. Storm Trysail A small, strongly built sail used in place of the mainsail in storm conditions.
Sail Course ® Additional Illustrations for Section 17, Heavy Weather Sailing
Sail Course ®
® Figure 5–13 Storm Trysail and Storm Jib
Sail Course ® End of Section 16 slides