Adult Education and Active citizenship Challenges arising from the present development
EU2020 Strategy 75% of the population aged should be employed 3% of the EUs GDP invested in R&D The 20/20/20 climate/wenergy targets Less than 10% early shool leavers and at least 40% have at tertiary degree 20 million less people at risk of powerty
Education & Training WP 2020 Making life-long learning and mobility a reality, Improving quality & efficiency of E&T, Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, Enhancing creativity and innovation, incl. Entrepreneurship at all levels of E&T
Five benchmarks for 2020 Adult participation in LLL; at least 15% Low achievers in basic skills; less than 15% Tertiary level; at least 40% of years old Early leavers; less than 10% Early childhood education; at least 95% participating from the age of 4
European Strategy for Adult Education 2010 EAEA consults members and partners on experiences and opinions on both the present Action Plan and on situation for AE. Presenting proposals for the future
International conference on folkbildning and Adult Education 13 – 17 June 2011 Malmö, Sweden