Safety at Sea - an initiative in the North Sea André Kroneberg Norwegian Coastal Administration Bodø, 2 September 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Safety at Sea - an initiative in the North Sea André Kroneberg Norwegian Coastal Administration Bodø, 2 September 2005

Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts about  Results

Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts about  Resulta

The Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for a wide range of maritime services…  Sailing corridors  Navigational installations  Pilots  Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)  Aids to Navigation  Fishing ports  National transport planning  Emergency preparedness – acute oil pollution

…increasing safety at sea along the Norwegian coastline  km of coastline  18 counties  282 municipalities  57 public traffic ports  763 state owned fishing ports  1000 employees  Budget million NOK p.a.

Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts about  Co-operation between national, regional and local authorities

Safety expensive? Try an accident! Source: North Sea Foundation

Safety at Sea aims to reduce probability and impact of incidents and accidents in the North Sea No serious accidents at sea in the North Sea Region Harmonise and materialise risk management - national and regional level - strategic and operational level Vision Objective ABCDEF 6 demo projects

22 partners from 6 countries participate in the project NorwayDenmarkSwedenFlandersNetherlandsUK  Norwegian Coastal Administration  Møre og Romsdal County  Sogn og Fjordane County  Rogaland County  Port of Florø  Swedish Maritime Administration  The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation/ Hydrography  Technical University of Denmark  Ministry of the Flemish Community - Administration of Waterways and Maritime Affairs  Flanders Hydraulics  University of Ghent  The Flemish Federation of Nautical Industries  National Institute for Coastal & Marine Mgt.  North Sea Foundation  Wadden Society  AVV Transport Research Centre  Zealand Directorate  Directorate Transport Safety  North Sea Directorate  British Maritime Technology  Northern Lighthouse Board  Trinity House Lighthouse Service

The total budget for the project is 4,9 million EUR

Policy recommendations regarding maritime safety in the North Sea are established through 6 demonstration projects A.Oil transport analysis B.AIS and Aids to Navigation C.Emergency preparedness arrangements D.Offshore wind farm development E.Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centres F.Small and high speed crafts

Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts about  Results

The objective is to establish a North Sea AIS server in order to improve operational as well as strategic risk management  A fully operational collecting system of AIS data from all North Sea countries  Online AIS data will be accessible enabling improved operational decision support in connection with undesired events and accidents  Storage of collected data in a spatial database enabling statistics reports generated from a a selection of crossing lines and filter parameters Demo B

Online AIS data improves operational decision support and feeds into the spatial database for strategic risk analysis Demo B Crossing lines… Online AIS data…

The objective is to improve methodology and guidelines for emergency preparedness arrangements Main deliverables:  Rules for classification of sensitive areas  Rules for emergency preparedness arrangements (including location of depots and places of refuge)  Rules for operational decision making Demo C

The procedures for emergency preparedness are revisited and improved through a cooperation between different stakeholders National levelRegional levelLocal level Norwegian Coastal Administration Møre og Romsdal County Port of Florø Sogn og Fjordane County Rogaland County Through the demo project on the West coast of Norway, the new procedures will be developed and fine-tuned prior to a national roll-out The model will also be presented to the other countries involved in the Safety at Sea project for feedback and discussion Norwegian case Demo C

The new model for selecting places of refuge aims to develop truly integrated coastal zone management Traditional model  Centrally anchored at national level  Semi-closed process of decisions  Limited understanding of decisions in the regions  Lack of local nautical expertise New model  Improved integration between national, regional and local level  More open process of decisions – common understanding  Will include improved system for continuously updating of decision basis  The model is of interest to other countries Demo C

The objective is to introduce a harmonised framework for planning and approval of offshore wind farms in the North Sea  Harmonized transnational framework, based on Formal Safety Assessments, for the planning and approval of offshore wind farms in the North Sea  Project scope covers impacts on shipping for an individual wind farm, but also more complex issues associated with the cumulative and in-combination effects of multiple offshore wind farms  So far, UK and Belgium have agreed to implement the new methodology Demo D

3D navigation simulation near a wind farm… Demo D

Real-time weather forecasts for high speed crafts  Today, there is increasing passenger traffic with small and fast crafts, like catamarans  These crafts have speed limitations according to weather conditions and seastate  On a demo site in Norway, a buoy has been installed measuring waves- and current conditions and transmitting this information to the web by GSM technology  By using this information it is easier for the Captain to make informed decisions regarding routes or cancellation of the trip Demo F

For more information…


Place of refuge  Place of refuge means a port, the part of a port or another protective berth or anchorage or any other sheltered area identified by a Member State for accommodating ships in distress  Member States, having consulted the parties concerned, shall draw up, taking into account relevant guidelines by IMO, plans to accommodate, in the waters under their jurisdiction, ships in distress Source: Directive 2002/59/EC – “Traffic monitoring” Demo C

1.A nautical review of potential places for refuge  Based on nautical and maritime condition exclusively  Criteria and guidelines for such location 2. Technical and sector review - mapping of interest  Collection of data regarding environment, population and industry etc.  Sorting out the most critical areas 3. On-site inspections  Inspection of the remaining potential places 4. Consequence assessment  A GIS-based ”NIMBY-analysis” (Not In My Back Yard)  The locations are classified based on suitability and total consequence 5. Consultation The proposals are distributed to the relevant parties and stakeholders (local communities etc.) for consultation and feedback 6. Conclusion The consequence assessment are handled in the County Councils and referred to the Coastal Administration Integrated coastal zone planning (a draft New model for places of refuge) Demo C