‘ Education for Democratic Citizenship, Civil Renewal and Lifelong Learning’ BILL- Nov.4,2005 ‘ Education for Democratic Citizenship, Civil Renewal and Lifelong Learning’ BILL- Nov.4,2005 Professor John Annette Birkbeck College, University of London
When governments become interested in lifelong learning it is well to be cautious; when they add active citizenship and social inclusion to the list, it may be time to be positively sceptical- not to say suspicious. How do we cope with this sudden official enthusiasm for causes we have long espoused? Ian Martin(2000)
I. Citizenship and Civil Renewal- Policy Context and Key Issues
A. Policy Context-Political Context Is Citizenship British? Communitarianism (Amitai Etzioni) Social Capital (Robert Putnam and Peter Hall) Community and Communities (Gabriel Channan, Neighborhood and Social Exclusion ( cf. Marilyn Taylor, Public Policy in the Community, Palgrave,(2003)
B. Civil Renewal and Community Involvement ‘Civil Renewal’/’Third Way’ politics civic republicanism- active citizenship civil society- participatory space role of the voluntary and community sectors capacity building for civil renewal? NB. ‘community assets’ vs ‘deficit’ models ‘deliberative democracy’ and new local governance ‘Everyday politics’ – (Boyte,2004; Bentley/Demos, 2005; Ginsbourg,2005)
‘The Civil Renewal Agenda is about supporting interdependence and mutuality, not simply leaving individuals or communities to fend for themselves. We are talking about building the capacity, the social assets, and the leadership which will enable communities to take advantage of both the targeted help which is available and broader economic and social improvements and investment. David Blunkett,’Active Citizens, Strong Communities’ ‘The Civil Renewal Agenda is about supporting interdependence and mutuality, not simply leaving individuals or communities to fend for themselves. We are talking about building the capacity, the social assets, and the leadership which will enable communities to take advantage of both the targeted help which is available and broader economic and social improvements and investment. David Blunkett,’Active Citizens, Strong Communities’
We aim at no less than a change in the political culture in this country both nationally and locally; for people to think of themselves as active citizens…. Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools (‘Crick Report 1’) 1998,p.7 We aim at no less than a change in the political culture in this country both nationally and locally; for people to think of themselves as active citizens…. Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools (‘Crick Report 1’) 1998,p.7
C. Policy Context- the Voluntary and Community Sectors What are the Voluntary and Community Sectors? (Justin Davis-Smith,1997) New Roles? The ‘Compact’-National and Local?( and delivery and community leadership! Home Office ‘Active Citizenship Survey’,2001/2003 Cf. M.Harris and C.Rochester,Voluntary Organisations and Social Policy in Britain,Palgrave,2001
D. Policy Context- Inclusion and Community Cohesion Black and Minority Ethnic V&CS( Faith Based Community Sector ( and and Farnell (2003)) Youth Volunteering- and DfES ‘Young Volunteer Challenge’-Russell Commission Community Cohesion- Cantle Report,etc, bridging vs bonding social capital.
II. Partnership Working and Civil Renewal-education for democratic citizenship through community involvement
A. ‘Partnership’ Working, ‘Politics’ and Regeneration Partnership in regeneration cf. Susan Balloch and MarilynTaylor,eds.,Partnership Working, The Policy Press,2001 SRB and ESF Programmes- research findings-where have we been? New Deal for Communities- where are we? Neighbourhood Renewal Programme and LSP’s.-where are we going?
B. Community Leadership from Below Cf. Derrick Purdue,et. al., Community Leadership in Area Regeneration, Policy Press, 2000 ODPM(G.Channan) ‘Sustainable Communities:Building for the Future,ODPM,2003 Community Leadership pilots-NIACE-cf Participatory action research (Neighbourhood Renewal Unit- cf. Alison Gilchrist, The Well Connected Community, Policy Press,2004
C. Local Governance and Civil Renewal- the ‘Lonely Citizen’ Local Governance and the Local Government Act 2000 Public Involvement and Local Government- cf. Vivien Lowndes, Sue Goss,etc. ‘Together We Can’-cross government Power Inquiry- Heinz 57 The Lonely Citizen’ (IPPR,2004)
III. Lifelong Learning- policy,community development and civil renewal renewal
the fundamental problem facing civil society is the challenge of providing citizens with “ the literacy required to live in a civil society, the competence to participate in democratic communities, the ability to think critically and act deliberately in a pluralist world, the empathy that permits us to hear and thus accommodate others, all involve skills that must be acquired. ” (Barber, Benjamin, An Aristocracy of Everyone, Oxford University Press,1992 )
A. Lifelong Learning and Civic Engagement 1. Lifelong Learning through Volunteering- ( cf. Kenneth Elsdon’s publications ) 2. Adult and Community Education and Active Citizenship, NIACE-cf. Coare and Johnston(2003) 3. Learning through Involvement in Community Development nb.NIACE cf. Thompson (2002)-SRB/NDC 4. Lifelong Learning and Neighbourhood Renewal- NRU Learning&Development Strategy-cf. “The Learning Curve”,NRU (2003) John Annette,”Community, Politics and Citizenship Education,”Education for Democratic Citizenship, eds., J.Annette, Sir B.Crick and A.Lockyer
B. Community Based Learning 1.What is ‘community based learning’? Learning through volunteering, community involvement, civic engagement, or political participation) 2. Structured Learning Experience 3. Experiential Education and Reflection** 4. Learning through Partnership 5. Learning and Civic Skills 6. Community Based Learning and Active Citizenship
C. Lifelong Learning and Active Citizenship 1. Learning that is inclusive, pluralist, reflexive and active 2. Linking the informal(everyday life), the non- formal(participation) and the formal (training/education) modes of learning 3. Experiential learning- participation as a reflective and critical process leading to action 4. Learning outcomes of democratic knowledge, skills and understanding cf. Pam Coare and Rennie Johnston,eds.,Adult Learning, citizenship and community voices, NIACE,2003
D. Home Office- Civil Renewal Unit 1. ‘Active Learning for Active Citizenship’- development programme 2. Learning Partnerships for Active Citizenship ( 8 HUBS)- Schools, LSDA Projects, LSC’s, FE Colleges, HE Continuing Education and Voluntary and Community Sector (Resident and Tenants’ Associations)Partners 3. National Curriculum Framework for Adult Learners? 4. Links to Local Communities and Neighbourhood Renewal Programme 5. Links to Local/Regional Governance- Citizens Juries, Civic Forums, RDA’s, Government Offices
E. Research Issues How do you measure learning outcomes in terms of civic engagement / active citizenship? Identify civic knowledge needed? Identify civic skills needed? Identify levels of civic understanding? Consider how do you measure learning outcomes both short term and longitudinally? Recognition/accreditation From Paolo Freire to the ‘wider benefits of learning’
F. Models of Research 1. Marjorie Mayo, “Learning for Active Citizenship:training for and learning from participation in area regeneration” Supporting Lifelong Learning, eds. F.Reeve, et.al., Routledge/Falmer, The Lifelong Citizenship Learning Website CITIZENSHIP LEARNING AND PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY: EXPLORING THE CONNECTIONS Daniel Schugurensky Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto,2003