Ný stefna í menntamálum: Hvernig hrindum við henni í framkvæmd? Læsi – Lýðræði – Jafnrétti - Menntun til sjálfbærni – Skapandi starf Ársþing Samtaka áhugafólks um skólaþróun Sjálandsskóla nóvember Ólöf Þórhildur Ólafsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri mennta – og tungumáladeildar Evrópuráðsins "Lýðræði og mannréttindi í menntun og skólastarfi: stefna Evrópuráðsins"
Learning Democracy and Human Rights Council of Europe co-operation programme
Overview I.Origins and Context II.Results III.Lessons Learned
I. Origins and Context 1997, Strasbourg – Second Summit of the Heads of State and Government 2005, Warsaw – Third Summit of the Heads of State and Government 2007, Istanbul – Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education World Programme for Human Rights Education – First Phase – Third Phase of the EDC/HRE Project
II. RESULTS 1.Framework for action 2.Forum for debate 3.Platform for exchange and co-operation
1. Framework for Action Council of Europe draft Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education Policy Tool - Strategic Support for Decision Makers
2. Forum for Debate Forum on Civic Partnerships for Citizenship and Human Rights Education (Strasbourg, France, 9-10 October 2008) Regional European Meeting on the World Programme for Human Rights Education (WPHRE) (Strasbourg, France, 5-6 November 2007)
3. Platform for exchange and co-operation Network of EDC/HRE coordinators Regional initiatives (ex. SEE, Nordic, Black Sea and Baltic countries) Bilateral Programmes, in co-operation with the EC (ex. Kosovo*, Turkey) EDC/HRE Pack Manuals for teachers Compendium of Good Practice
EDC/HRE coordinators
Joint EC/CoE projects Kosovo (under UN Res 1244) Turkey
EDC/HRE Pack Tool 1: Policies Tool 2: Democratic Governance Tool 3: Teacher training Tool 4: Quality Assurance Tool 5: Partnerships
Tool 1: Key Issues for EDC/HRE Policies - Strategic support for decision makers (2010) Is addressed to high level decision makers Provides an overview of key steps and advice on how to approach them Includes a self-evaluation checklist and action planning monitoring grid
Tool 1: Supporting materials All-European Study on Education for Democratic Citizenship Policies, 2005 Glossary of Terms Adopted Texts
Tool 2: Democratic Governance of Schools (2007) Explores the concept of democratic governance Provides examples of good practice Includes a planning and step-by-step evaluation grids Deals with frequently asked questions
Tool 2: Supporting materials From student voice to shared responsibility. Effective practice in democratic school governance in European schools (2007) The school: a democratic learning community (2005) Advancing Democratic Practice : A Self-Assessment Guide for Higher Education (2009)
Tool 3: Teacher Training How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences (2009) Tool on Teacher Training for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (2005)
Tool 4: Quality Assurance Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools (UNESCO, CoE and CEPS) (2005) Introducing Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools – Comparative Study of Ten Countries (2009)
Tool 5: Partnerships School-Community-University Partnerships for a Sustainable Democracy: Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe and the United States (2010)
Testing and Piloting Council of Europe «Pestalozzi» Training Programme for education professionals Pilot Projects in the member states (ex. Ukraine, Romania) Regional Meetings (ex. Nordic, Black Sea and Baltic networks)
Translations EDC/HRE Pack Policy Tool for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights (EDC/HRE): Strategic Support for Decision Makers (Tool 1) Available in: English (or) Underway: French, Russian Democratic Governance of Schools (Tool 2) Available in: Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, English (or.), French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Ukrainian How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences (Tool 3) Available in: English (or), French, Polish, Georgian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Underway: Bulgarian, Latvian, Russian, Dutch Tool on Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship at School (Tool 4) Available in: Albanian, Azeri, Bulgarian, English (or), French, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian Democratic Partnerships for Social Change – A Guide for schools, higher education institutions and communities (Tool 5) Available in: English (or) Supporting materials A glossary of terms for EDC Available in: Arabic, Azeri, Dutch, English (or.), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian All European Study on EDC Available in: English (or), French Tool on Teacher Training Available in: Dutch, English (or.), French, German, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian
Manuals for teachers 6 part series
Compendium of Good Practice Joint publication by the OSCE/ODIHR, the OHCHR, the Council of Europe and UNESCO Contains 101 examples of good practice French and Russian translation will be available in 2010
III. LESSONS LEARNED Importance of strategic partnerships Added value of the Council of Europe as a platform for co- operation Ownership Participation of practitioners as key to successful outcomes Need for pragmatic and flexible approach Strong focus on decisions of the 3rd Summit and Ministerial Conferences Regional co-operation and networking Ongoing programme evaluation Developing tangible resources Dissemination and visibility
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