Voters’ Education: New Ways & Alliances Coochbehar, West Bengal January 10, 2011 Bhubaneswar, Orissa Sharing Best Electoral Practices
District Profile Population: (2001 census) Male: Female: Rural: 90.9% Urban: 9.1% Literacy: Male: 65.12% Female: 48.16% Projected Current population: Male: Female: Electors: (Sept 2010)Male: Female: Historical: Merged with India on 12 Sept 1949 Geographical: 11 major and many minor rivers, Rainfall: 3600mm avg Administrative: Sub-divisions: 5 Blocks/ Panchayat samitis :12 Gram Panchayats: 128Municipalities: 6 Assembly constituencies: 9Polling Booths: Main: 1621 Elector: Population Ratio : Female Enrollment Ratio: 899 Sex Ratio: 949
Age-Cohort Profile Total District Population in numbers (projected upto the year of current revision 2010) [X] District Population of 18+ only (in numbers projected to year of current revision 2010) [Y] Age CohortProjected Census Population in age cohort (Projected upto the year of current revision) %age of (2) to 'X' i.e. total Population as per census Electors as per Final Roll w.r.t as on 28/09/2010 %age of (4) to 'Y' i.e. total Population as per census
Problem areas Poor enrollment of women – Complications due to movement after marriage – Lack of citizenship proof due to movement after marriage without documents like copies of parents’ EPIC or gram Pradhan’s certificate – Issues of cross border marriages and marriage to Bangladeshi men living in enclaves within Coochbehar – Reluctance of parents to enroll daughters due to disclosure of age – Poor access of BLOs to women due to migration of men – Low literacy/awareness among women Poor enrollment in yrs age group – Low awareness amongst the youth regarding procedure – Lack of age proof documents amongst school drop outs – Lack of awareness regarding age of self Remoteness/ natural barriers
Reaching out to Women……. Through Booth Level officers – Identification of low women enrollment booths by EROs – Briefing of BLOs to approach houses here no women/ less women have been enrolled – Supply of Form 6 and list if other documents required for enrollment – Helping the women fill the form and deposit with the DOs – Coordinating with the Gram panchayat office for documents/ certificates etc
Reaching out to Women……. Through Anganwadi workers – Sensitization of Anganwadi Supervisors at district/ ERO level regarding enrollment – Each Supervisor discusses the details of enrollment with the Anganwadi workers under her supervision – Anganwadi workers distribute pamphlets to the mothers and discuss the procedure of enrollment with mothers and the methods of establishing age, residence and citizenship – Encourage young girls to enroll themselves – Discussing alternate means of establishing age and residence proof for those who do not have documents due to movement after marriage, like through health cards etc – Discussing the importance of keeping copies of parents’ EPIC for citizenship proof – Enrollment would be a compulsory discussion agenda during mothers meetings in the future also
Reaching out to Women……. Through Self-help Groups – Training and sensitization of SHG supervisors at ERO level – Sensitization of SHG women at Block and GP level – Distribution of pamphlets and Forms to SHG members – Discussion regarding enrollment by the SHG group members in local area/family members ( similar to Anganwadi) – Handholding during filling up and deposit of forms – Discussion regarding enrollment during normal group meeting is being encouraged
Distribution of pamphlets at Anganwadi Mothers meeting Discussion with Self Help groups In 6 - Sitai AC ( Parts 124 to 128)
Training of SHG Supervisors at Coochbehar Discussion during SHG Meeting at Tufangunj
Reaching out to the youth….. Awareness campaigns in colleges and High schools by EROs Regarding the need to enroll The importance of casting one’s vote The importance of having an EPIC Distribution of Form 6 and declaration forms ( of parents / head of institutions in case of hostel as residential proof ) Hand-holding in filling of forms and documentation Encouraging discussion regarding enrollment at home Giving details of helpline 1506 for any queries
ERO Mathabhanga with students of Mathabhanga High School At Sitalkuchi College Dinhata
Reaching out to all….. Posters in each booth regarding required documents The details of all documents required for enrollment, deletion and modification are given to avoid any confusion in the mind of the voters Tableau campaign With dates of special campaigns, roll reading dates, BLO_BLA meeting dates along with enrollment procedure are detailed The tableau moves through towns and village areas in the AC announcing the details Awareness camps at markets/ melas Winter melas are common in Coochbehar Distribution of pamphlets, announcement regarding enrollment procedure is being done There is a plan to put up stalls at Panchayat Week Mela, SABALA ( SHG mela ) and other local fairs
Tableau Publicity Information Poster at every Booth 7 Dinhata A C 2 Mathabhanga AC
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