Ten years of global Education in Europe: Education, Interdependence and Solidarity in a Changing World Helena Pratas ISEC – Lisbon, Portugal
What is Global Education? “a holistic education that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the world, and awakens to bring about a world of greater justice, equity, and human rights for all” Maastricht Global Education Declaration (2002)
Source: Adapted from “Compass”, p.27 Global Education Personal and Social Values Education Inter- cultural Anti-Racist Education Environ- mental Education Human Rights Education Develop- ment Education Peace Education Education for Sustain- ability Citizenship Education
Council of Europe (CE) adopts a Global Education Charter Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2001 – Council of Europe Conclusion on Development Education Maastricht Congress defines Global Education (GE) Strategy till EU Development Policy: "The European Consensus” Global Education Guidelines White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living together as equals in dignity’ 2010 – CE Recommendation on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights DEAR Study on Development Education and GE in Curriculum Change CE Recommendation on Education for Global inter- dependence and Solidarity
Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is the European network of Ministries, Agencies, and other national bodies, responsible for support, funding, and policy making, in the field of Global Education in Europe. CONCORD EUROPE, the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development, represents more than 1600 NGOs all over the European Union. Development education and public awareness raising (DEAR) is a important element of its strategy
Since its setting up in 1990, the Council of Europe’s North- South Centre, in Lisbon, has been engaged in Global Education (GE) The North-South Centre (NSC) objective is to develop, enhance and sustain strategies and capacity-building for global education, targeting institutions and practitioners from the formal and non-formal educational sector. The work of the NSC consists in policy development and advocacy, training and capacity building, raising public awareness/ understanding and disseminating GE practices.
4 modules Last year I have described an experience of a Training Course: Global Education: The Human Rights Dimension This year I received a grant to a new course: Global Education: the Intercultural Dimension
4 modules MODULE 1 Intercultural dimension of global education MODULE 2 Intercultural Learning as an Educational Practice MODULE 3 Intercultural Dialogue and Policy-Making MODULE 4 Intercultural GE and Social and Political Action
Course Map Participants were expected to work on the same module at the same time (collaborative learning) Module 1 - Concepts and critiques related to the intercultural dimension of global education resources on the North-South Centre’s Global Education Framework: Other resources on Global Education: Global Education /Development Education: some institutions and countries consider Development Education the core of global education Organizations and movements that work with global education from all over the world
Global Education Guidelines e/GEguideline_presentation_en.as p Global Education newsletters e/GE/GE_Newsletter_en.asp Global Education publications e/Publications_en.asp Gl Global Education Week Co-operation/education/E.D.C Council of Europe - The North South Centre Global Education Program South_Centre/Programmes/3_Glo bal_Education Global Education Network Europe – GENE European Congress on Global Education Development of European’s Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty – DEEP resources on the North-South Centre’s Global Education Framework: Other resources on Global Education: Some Resources:
Some international institutions involved in global education: The North South Centre of the Council of Europe: The North South Centre of the Council of Europe: European Commission: European Commission: Global Education Network Europe: (EU Ministers) Global Education Network Europe: (EU Ministers) Trialog: Trialog: Developing Europeans Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty - DEEEP: Developing Europeans Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty - DEEEP: European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development - Concord: European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development - Concord: Social Network in International Cooperation and Development – Euforic: Social Network in International Cooperation and Development – Euforic: Some international institutions involved in global education: The North South Centre of the Council of Europe: The North South Centre of the Council of Europe: European Commission: European Commission: Global Education Network Europe: (EU Ministers) Global Education Network Europe: (EU Ministers) Trialog: Trialog: Developing Europeans Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty - DEEEP: Developing Europeans Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty - DEEEP: European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development - Concord: European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development - Concord: Social Network in International Cooperation and Development – Euforic: Social Network in International Cooperation and Development – Euforic:
two discussion forums: we shared the main issues a mapping exercise of our social analysis How to apply Global and Intercultural Education in our educational practice We formulated objectives for intercultural learning in our context Module 2: Intercultural Learning as an Educational Practice
two discussion forums: two discussion forums: examining possible levels of interventions and develop strategies for action Analysing policy-making processes Visioning intercultural global education till 2022 (a simulation exercise) Module 3: Intercultural Dialogue and Policy-Making
focus on the practical aspects of intercultural education activities design and action planning in the different spheres of action in formal and informal education, advocacy and or policy development evaluation and debate on the follow up to the course Module 4: Intercultural Global Education and Social and Political Action
participants 55 participants from (almost) all over the world...working together! Ecuador Argentina Brasil Philipines
Spain France Bulgaria Romania Poland Russia Rússia Netherlands Cyprs Germany Macedonia Albania Serbia Portugal Lithuania Estonia Slovakia Hungary Norway from almost all over the world
From (almost) all over the world... Kenia Tunisia South Africa Ethiopia Madagascar Egypt Cameroon Ivory Coast Uganda
Emphasis on skill building and practical application of learning Promotion of personal enrichment, self-esteem and respect for the individual Recognition of a variety of points of view Encouragement of non-hierarchical, democratic, collaborative learning environments Encouragement of reflection, analysis and critical thinking
Awareness on the importance of global education for global interdependence and solidarity Networking and pedagogical support Discuss synergy potentials Pedagogical support and training Exchange of ideas and practices of global education
International financial crisis increasing national austerity measures increasing national austerity measures negative social impact increased xenophobic reactions nationalistic attitudes A new attention is required!
Thank you very much!
Da Silva, M.C. (coord.) et al. (2010) Global Education guidelines. Lisbon: North-South Centre of the Council of Europe DEAR in Europe - Recommendations for future interventions by the European Commission. Final Report of the 'Study on the experience and actions of the Main European Actors active in the field of Development Education and Awareness Raising' in Espoo, Finland Conclusions on Global Education in Curriculum Change: GENE, FNBE (2011) in Figueiredo, C. C. and Santos Silva, A. (2000). Education for Citizenship in the Portuguese Education System ( ). Lisbon: ME. GAERI (2001). The development of Education. National Report of Portugal. Lisbon: ME. Global Education Charter (1997) in Guidelines/GEgs-app2.pdfhttp:// Guidelines Losito, B. (2003) Education For Democratic Citizenship All-European Study on Policies for Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC) Regional Study Southern Europe Region in DGIV/EDU/CIT (2003) 22 rev1.
Maastricht Declaration (2002) in Guidelines /GEgs-app1.pdfhttp:// Guidelines North-South Centre Global Education Guidelines (2010) in nscentre/GEguideline_presentation_en.asphttp:// North-South Center, Second European Congress on Global Education “Education, Interdependence and Solidarity in a Changing World. Concept Paper. Pratas, M.H. (2011) Global Citizenship and Human Rights Education, in Bergami, R. et al. (ed.) (2011) Proceedings of the X Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture Rome, dedicated to Teaching and Learning in Today’s Global Classroom, pp.5-11 (ISBN: ) Recommendation CM/Rec (2011)4 on education for global interdependence and solidarity (2011) in pdfhttp:// 2011