Uintah School District Health Requirements and Services: Medical Treatment
Notification of Parents: Parents will be notified of a child’s accident or sudden illness as soon as possible; If a student is ill, parents need to be contacted; the teacher should consult with the principal/designee, who will contact the home.
Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment: An administrator or school nurse or designee at the minor student’s school may consent to emergency medical treatment of that student provided that the person having the power to consent as otherwise provided by law cannot be contacted to give the consent - UCA (4C).
Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment: Consent to medical treatment shall be in writing, signed by the school official giving consent, and given to the physician, hospital, or other medical facility that administers the treatment.
School Health Program: Uintah School District participates in vision screenings, hearing screenings, encouragement of dental checks of all children, and health counseling for parents provided by the school nurse.
School Health Program: First aid supplies will be available in every school in a convenient place; Communicable disease control will include decisions regarding closing schools when epidemics occur or threaten; and communicable diseases lists provided by the health department, which will include information regarding isolation, exclusion from school, and signs and symptoms of suspected communicable diseases.
Procedures for Dealing With Blood Borne Pathogens: See Policy Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids, and Policy Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Policy for more information on issues related to these topics.
Emergency First Aid Treatment: When any student on school grounds is in need of life- sustaining emergency care (defined as any procedure or intervention that may prevent a student from dying who, without such procedure or intervention, faces a risk of imminent death), staff shall immediately call 911. While awaiting paramedics or medical assistance, appropriately trained staff members (including the school nurse, if possible) shall take all reasonable steps to provide first aid assistance.
Emergency First Aid Treatment If the need is dire and untrained school staff are the only ones available, the untrained staff person should, after the call to 911 is made, assist the victim until help arrives. USD employees may administer emergency first aid medical treatment to students or others on school property when conditions so require, without any liability to either the School District or the administering employee.
Life-Sustaining Emergency Care – Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR): The district will not comply with “do not resuscitate” orders and other directives from parents or others that request that life-sustaining emergency care not be provided to a particular student in need of such care while under the control and supervision of the school. The district shall consider requests for alternative forms of life-sustaining emergency care, but those requests must be supported by written medical substantiation by the child’s physician.
Life-Sustaining Emergency Care – Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR): Determinations shall be made on such requests by a team of persons at the school who are knowledgeable about the child. This team may ask additional outside information when necessary for a decision. Any determination made on such a request must be based on the likelihood that the chosen form of life sustaining emergency care shall maintain the child’s life until an ambulance arrives or the student is otherwise transported to the care of medical personnel.
Administering Medication: Authorized employees of USD may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions: The district has received, from the parent or legal guardian of the student, a current written and signed request (updated and resubmitted each year, on a form approved by USD) to administer the medication when the student is under the control of the school. The student’s physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant has provided a signed statement describing the method, amount, and time schedule for administration, along with the side effects that may be seen in the school setting.
Administering Medication: Authorized employees of USD may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions: Administering over-the-counter medications requires a prescribing practitioner statement as well as consent of the parent or guardian. Protocol for administering over-the-counter medications is the same as for administering prescription medications. Oral, topical, and inhalant medication may be administered by assigned school personnel; medications requiring other routes of administration will not be given by school personnel, except in emergency situations; in non-emergency situations, medications requiring other routes of administration must be given by a registered nurse or the parent/guardian; exceptions will be addressed within a 504 accommodation plan/Health Care Plan.
Administering Medication: Authorized employees of USD may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions: All medication that is to be given at school must be furnished by the parent or guardian and delivered to school by a responsible adult (not sent with the student). All prescription medication must be in the original container, labeled by the pharmacy with the name of the student, the name of the physician, the name of the medication, the amount to be given (dose), and the duration of the treatment. Over-the-counter drugs must be in the original bottle and labeled with the student’s name. All medication provided to the school shall be kept in a secure location in the central office or nurse’s office under lock and key (with the exception of Epi pens and Glucagon), with the principal assigning one or more trained personnel the responsibility of administering student medication.
Administering Medication: Authorized employees of USD may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions: Only the principal and persons authorized to administer medication shall have access to the medications. A record, including the type of medication, amount, and the time and day it was administered must be kept for each student receiving medication at school; the person administering the medication must sign the record each time medication is given. Students shall not carry or self-administer medication on school premises unless it is expressly ordered by the student’s physician. Authorization for administration of medication by school personnel may be withdrawn by the school at any time following actual notice to the student’s parent or guardian (UCA 53A ).
Administering Medication: Authorized employees of USD may administer medication to a student during periods when the student is under the control of the school, subject to the following conditions: Authorized school personnel who provide assistance as set forth in this policy in substantial compliance with physicians’ or dentists’ written statements and the Uintah School District are not liable civilly or criminally for any adverse reaction suffered by the student as a result of taking the medication or discontinuing the administration of the medication pursuant to the provisions of this policy - UCA 53A (3).
Authorized Employees: The School Board delegates to the Superintendent and the Principal, authority to select and appoint authorized employees who may administer medications pursuant to this policy in each building. Employees appointed and authorized to administer medication shall be provided training annually by the School District and the local department of health. The training shall include, at minimum: –Proper practices and procedures for administering medication; –Proper identification and safekeeping of medications; –Record keeping procedures; –Emergency first-aid procedures; –Identification of adverse reactions to medications; –Proper understanding and application of School District medication policies.
For more information, please refer to USD policy , Health Requirements and Services: Medical Treatment.