P12031: Motion Assistive Seating Device for Sailing Project Team: Steven Gajewski Aleef Mahmud Mitchel Rankie Christopher Sullivan MSD - P12031 Faculty Guide: Edward Hanzlik Technical Mentor: Kate Leipold Primary Customer: Richard Ramos Secondary Customer: Keith Burhans Sponsor: Mark Smith and M.E. Dept. National Science Foundation 1
MSD - P12031 Overview The goal of this project is to re-design, build, and test a portable, detachable seating system that will allow disabled users to participate in IFDS competitive sailing. The system must utilize the user’s rotational arm motion to steer the boat’s rudder and allow adjustment of the user’s position by rotating along a bearing mounted track for leverage and view during sailing scenarios. The team must reduce excess weight, increase functionality, and adapt specifically for a C 4-5 quadriplegic user. 2 Project Description
Need #ImportanceDescription CN11 Designed to fit specifically in SONAR sailboats CN21 Safe system to operate for long periods CN31 System controls rudder CN41 Portable, non-permanent installation on boat CN51 Environmentally resistant to wear CN61 Shippable and fits on one palette CN71 Emergency override for rudder control CN81 Weight of system is primarily over the keel CN91 Crank Geometry (length of crank fits shoulder width) CN101 25% weight reduction CN111 Ease of operation (biceps work required reduced) CN121 Easy to detach hands from crank CN132 Comfortable hand crank height (height of crank shaft) CN142 Re-work “chair swing” mechanics/mechanism CN152 Tilt in seat for better view CN162 20% cost reduction in BOM CN173 Better fitting harness CN183 Less abrasive harness CN193 Easier entry for user CN203 Rearview mirror Customer Needs
Engineering Specifications Spec #ImportanceSourceDescription ES11 CN1, CN4 Secure to Sonar with non-permanent attachments ES21 CN2 Minimum FOS of critical elements found via analysis ES31 CN2 Time required to release user from seat and system ES41 CN3 Degree of movement of Rudder from centerline of boat ES51 CN3 Backlash in the lines controlling the Rudder ES61 CN4, CN6 Cubic area of disassembled and packed unit ES71 CN5 Corrosion resistance ES81 CN7 Functioning emergency overide for Rudder ES91 CN8 Location of Track Platform respective to Keel ES101 CN9 Length of the distance between hand attachment points ES111 CN10 Weight of each part combined ES141 CN11 Percentage of amplification of user's force input ES152 CN12 Time required to detach hands ES162 CN13, CN18 User Specified Harness ES172 CN13, CN18 Comfort perceived by user from 1[low]-10[high] ES182 CN14 Height of crank shaft relative to the bottom of the seat ES192 CN15 Clearence of tangle prone lines from chair swinging ES123 CN16 Angle of tilt of chair relative to horizontal plane of deck ES133 CN17 Cost of components purchased for design during MSD ES213 CN19 Time required for entry ES223 CN20 Functioning rearview mirror
Functional Decomposition UserDevice Portability Attachable Non Permanent Assembly Required Major PartsTiller StrutTiller Arm Track Platform Passenger Interface SeatCranks Pedestal Base Tiller Control Override Rotate hand Crank Ropes Taut Shifting Weight Ropes and Pulleys Locking Mechanism Restrain User 4-Point harness HandsFeet Steering column tilt Boat MSD - P
System Interface 6
Boat Constraints MSD - P
8 Pedestal Base
MSD - P Track Platform
MSD - P Tiller Strut
MSD - P Seat Support Rib
MSD - P Seat
Crank Design MSD - P
Hand Crank Design MSD - P
MSD - P Critical Objectives Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionStatus CN11 Designed to fit specifically in SONAR sailboats Pass CN21 Safe system to operate for long periods Pass CN31 System controls rudder Pass CN41 Portable, non-permanent installation on boats Pass CN51 Environmentally resistant to wear Pass CN61 Shippable and fits on one palette Pass CN71 Emergency override for rudder control Pass CN81 Weight of system is primarily over the keel Pass CN91 Crank Geometry (length of crank fits shoulder width) Pass CN101 25% weight reduction Fail CN111 Ease of operation (biceps work required reduced) Pass CN121 Easy to detach hands from crank Pass
MSD - P Secondary Objectives Customer Need # ImportanceDescriptionStatus CN132 Better fitting harness Pass CN142 User Specific hand crank height (height of crank shaft) Pass CN152 Address issue of lines tangling during chair swing Pass CN162 Tilt in seat for better view Pass CN173 Maximum cost of BOM cannot exceed $3000 Pass CN183 Less abrasive harness Pass CN193 Quick entry for user Pass CN203 Rearview mirror Fail
Test #ImportanceTest Item SourceUnit Min. Value Ideal Value Actual Value Pass/ Fail T1.0Weight and Cost T1.11Weight of each part combinedlb106>79.5> 88Pass T1.23Cost of components purchased$3000>2400> 2800+Pass T2.0User Comfort T2.11Distance between hand attachment pointsin18±218±.5 17Pass T2.22Height of crank relative to the bottom of the seatin18±218±.5 19Pass T2.32User Specified HarnessBinaryYes Pass T2.42Comfort perceived by user from 1[low]-10[high]#5<10 7Pass T3.0Installation T3.11Cubic area of disassembled and packed unitin^374088>66679>37800 Pass T3.21Secure to Sonar with non-permanent attachmentsBinaryYes Pass T3.33Time required for entryminutes60>30>11 Pass MSD - P Testing Results
Test #ImportanceTest Item SourceUnit Min. Value Ideal Value Actual Value Pass/ Fail T4.0Normal Sailing Conditions T4.11Degree of movement of Rudder from centerlinedegrees40<90< 46.55Pass T4.21Backlash in the lines controlling the Rudderin1>0.5>1 Pass T4.31Location of Track Platform respective to Keel(x,y) in0±15,00±10,013 Pass T4.41Percentage of amplification of user's force input%0<30<50 Pass T4.51Time required to detach handsseconds60>30> 5Pass T4.62Angle of tilt of chair relative to horizontal planedegrees10<15< 20.2Pass T4.73Functioning rearview mirrorBinaryYes NoFail T5.0Rough Sailing and Worst Case Conditions T5.11Corrosion resistanceBinaryYes Pass T5.21Minimum FOS of critical elements found via analysis#1<3<3.09Pass T5.31Time required to release user from seat and systemminutes10>5>.42 Pass T5.41Functioning emergency override for RudderBinaryYes Pass T5.52Clearance of tangle prone lines from chair swingingin1<4<7Pass MSD - P Testing Results
In future iterations of the development: Further weight reduction Further cost reduction Powder coated to provide enhanced corrosion protection Adjustable for a variety of user and the constraints of the Sonar keelboat. Design for environment Design for assembly (DFA) Implement electronics and/or mechanically actuated parts that allow the user greater control of the boat with minimal effort exerted MSD - P Future Work
MSD - P12031 Questions and Feedback 20