DEFINITIONS Worldview Encompassing pictures of reality created by members of societies Religion “Ideas and practices that postulate reality beyond that which is immediately available to the senses” (Bowen, 2008) Include beliefs that some kind of spiritual or supernatural powers exist
SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION Social functions 1. 2. 3. How does religion serve social functions Offering rewards for good behavior and punishments for antisocial behavior Seen in societies with ____________________
EXPRESSIONS OF RELIGION Kottak discusses 7 expressions of ritual: Spiritual beings Powers & Forces Magic Uncertainty, Anxiety, Solace Ritual Rite of Passage Totemism Responsible for all 7 (read the textbook: ) We will discuss each of these expression in varying degree of detail
SPIRITUAL BEINGS “Beings” Ability to assume ______ Respond to _____________ Human origins with living or deceased people Beings spirit helpers, disease spirits, zoomorphic spirits
SPIRITUAL BEINGS Monotheism _____________________________________ Polytheism ________________________________ Animism ________________________________________; frequently associated with natural objects
SPIRITUAL BEGINS ANIMISM - EXAMPLES Inuit All things happens through the ______________________ Animals share the same ________________
POWERS & FORCES: MANA Impersonal superhuman power Sometimes transferable Ex: ______________ Why? ______________ Polynesians: All things believed to be endowed to a greater or lesser degree with sacred supernatural power __________________ Mana - ___________
POWERS & FORCES: MANGU Performance of evil by humans believed to possess an innate, nonhuman power to do evil Whether or not it is ________________________ Ex: Azande Mangu – ___________________________________ Note: mangu is not unique to the Azande 1. 2.
MAGIC Use of supernatural techniques to accomplish specific ends 1. 2. Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4.
UNCERTAINTY, ANXIETY, SOLACE Connected to magic & myth Responsible for reading ‘Understanding Ourselves’ Opening to chapter, page 276 Be able to articulate how the Trobriand Islanders use magic when dealing with sailing expeditions
RITUALS Repetitive social practice composed of a sequence of symbolic activities 1. 2. A. Organized performance of behaviors intended to influence ________________
RITUALS Belief that supernatural powers can make natural events occur & intervene in human affairs Behaviors intended to influence spiritual powers Performed cross-culturally, but for different reasons Ex: ____________________ Marks _______________________________________ Births, initiations, confirmations, weddings, funerals
REVITALIZATION MOVEMENTS Aim to create a new way of life to replace current conditions that are _______________ Likely to occur in societies when these conditions coalesce 1. 2. 3.
REVITALIZATION MOVEMENTS ______– prophet who taught that existing world would soon be destroyed & new crust of Earth would form As new crust formed, buffalo would return Abandon ways of the settler’s to live pure lives – _______________________________________- _____________ not a component of Ghost Dance Movement was negatively received by settlers & U.S. Army ________________________________ Lakota (Sioux) band, including ♀ and children