Special Education Briefing April 10, 2015 HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org Supporting the Mission STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS 1.Student Success: All students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship. 2.Staff Success: The Department has a high-performing culture where employees have the training, support and professional development to contribute effectively to student success. 3.Successful Systems of Support: The system and culture of the Department work to effectively organize financial, human, and community resources in support of student success.
SPED Students by Eligibility Category HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org School Year # enrolled , , , , , , ,081 Official Enrollment Count data
Alignment to USDOE’s Accountability System For IDEA Focus State Actions THENNOW Compliance Compliance + RESULTS Monitoring Compliance Findings of noncompliance Corrections Professional Development for Staff Student supports for college, career and community readiness NCLB – AYP No Child Left Behind ESEA – STRIVE HI (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) STATE SYSTEMIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN Discipline Timelines Correction of non-compliance Inclusive settings NAEP scores Proficiency gaps in math and reading
Hawaii DOE Improvement Initiatives HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org Source of data pulled by WestEd 2011 WestEd Evaluation Report 2012 Department Strive HI Strategic Plan 2012 WestEd Implementation Report 2010 Race to the Top Priority Strategies 2015 Flex Plan progress commendation by USDOE 2010 WestEd contracted 2015 State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) 2013 ESEA Flex Plan
Students with disabilities are provided rigorous standards-based curricula and assessments that challenge and prepare them instructional supports and accommodations Highly qualified and licensed personnel differentiated interventions transition planning family-school-agency partnerships HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
Statewide Assessment progress Difference & % change Science Non Sped 34%36%41%48%14%41% Sped 7% 10%13%6%86% Math Non Sped 59%64% 63%4%7% Sped 11%13% 15%4%36% ELA Non Sped 72%77% 74%2%3% Sped 17%21%22% 5%29% OFFICE OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION & STUDENT SUPPORT HawaiiPublicSchools.org OCIS S Source: DOE Longitudinal Data System
Comparison of the % Change in Proficiency Scores HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org Percentage change between SY and Source: DOE Longitudinal Data System
Hawaii Post-School Outcomes HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org A: % attending a 2 or 4 year postsecondary educational institution B: % competitively employed + those in A C: % other training + those in A + B *60 includes states, entities, and territories Source: Office of Special Education Program Data TargetNational Rank A th out *60 B nd out of 60 C th out of 60
Professional Development and Training Assist teachers with rigorous instruction: Design standards-based units using the Common Core programs Implement appropriate instructional strategies Monitoring to assess progress HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
Materials were created and training provided to all district staff – Teaching Strategies for Struggling Students – Guides and Instructional Planners (4 Core Curricula) – Standards-Based IEPs – Evaluation/Eligibility – Inclusive Practices – Supplementary Aids and Services – Secondary Transition – Preschool Transition HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
Six Priority Strategies: a system of support for ALL students Common Core Standards Comprehensive Student Support System Induction and Mentoring Formative Instruction/Data Teams Educator Effectiveness System Academic Review Teams Staffing Flexible, equitable and meets the needs of schools and students Trained in the use of specialized services provided to staff Contracts are available HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org Source: BOE Presentation by WestEd May 11, 2012
Infrastructure and Accountability Oversight of compliance and monitoring function in the Superintendent’s office Program and implementation functions will remain in the Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support (OCISS) Partnerships with other agencies to support students with disabilities Overarching Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)with Department of Health and Department of Human Services Children and Adolescent Mental Health Department (CAMHD) Public Health Nursing (PHN) Early Intervention (EI) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation DVR) HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org
Next steps… In a coherent manner, the Department is committed to… maintaining high performance expectations for staff and students, continuing the development of new materials and provide training to improve instructional practices, continuing the use of the Department’s Six Priority Strategies for ALL students, including students with disabilities, and seek effective and efficient means to provide supports and services to students HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION HawaiiPublicSchools.org