Center for life Kate Blanchette Clinical Manager Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation Centre for Life
Cardiac Rehabilitation is the enhancement and maintenance of cardiovascular health through individualized programs designed to optimize physical, psychological, social, vocational and emotional status. This process includes the facilitation and delivery of secondary prevention through risk factor identification and modification in an effort to prevent disease progression and the recurrence of cardiac events. (Stone & Arthur, CACR 2004)
Enrollment/inclusion criteria for Cardiac Rehabilitation Acute Myocardial Infarction Cardiomyopathy Pericarditis, Myocarditis, and Endocarditis Acute Coronary Syndrome Heart Failure Cardiac Transplant Atrial Fibrillation Coronary Artery Disease Angina Pectoris Supraventicular Tachycardia Percutaneous Cardiac Intervention Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty Peripheral Vascular Disease Valvular replacement or repairs Permanent Pacemaker Insertion Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Regional Cardiac Rehabilitation Program The Regional Coordinator acts as a liaison between the discharged client and Cardiac Rehabilitation services. These services can include Cardiac Rehabilitation education and supervised exercise programs across North Eastern Ontario. There are six satellite programs in the North East region, where on site education and supervised exercise are provided. Services can be provided by OTN. Espanola Little Current New Liskeard Sturgeon Falls Kirkland Lake Sault Ste Marie
How can you refer to Cardiac Rehab? Order under Category CAR under Procedure RFSCAR
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a set of tools and disciplines that attends to the multiple needs of COPD patients and their families. It extends beyond standard care by addressing the disabling features of chronic and progressive lung disease. Centering on self-management, exercise, functional training, psychosocial skills, and contributes to the optimization of medical management. Optimal disease management includes rehabilitative elements including patient self-management and regular exercise (CHEST, 1997).
Enrollment/Inclusion Criteria for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Obstructive Lung Disease: COPD, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, Bronchiolitis Obliterans Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Restrictive Lung Disease Interstitial Lung Disease: Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary Manifestations due to Collagen-Vascular Disease, Sarcoidosis, Occupational Lung Disease Chest Wall Diseases Neuromuscular Diseases affecting pulmonary function Lung Cancer: Post-surgical, Medically Managed Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Hypo-Ventilation Syndrome with Morbid Obesity
How can you refer to Pulmonary Rehab? Order under Category PUR. Procedure RFSPUR
Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation-Center for life Recovery Program 8 weeks Supervised/Individualized Tailored Exercise Prescription- Target HR range: AT-80% V02 max/ 6 min walkstudy/Karvonen’s Maintenance Program 4 months Focus on independence and self-management Supervision within a community setting Home Program Exercise prescription for home with regular follow-up Passport to Wellness-post graduate reduced rate YMCA membership Adult Asthma Clinic Pre-operative thoracic teaching program
Multi-Disciplinary team Nurse Practitioner Registered Nurse Respiratory Therapist Physiotherapist Kinesiologist Registered Dietician Psychological Associate ACSM Exercise Specialists TEACH certified smoking cessation counsellors Certified COPD and Asthma educators ADP Authorized HSEP certified
What do we offer? Exercise based program-V02 metabolic testing Resistance/strength program Falls Prevention Hydrotherapy program Education : risk factor modification and goal setting Smoking cessation program-T.E.A.C.H. (training enhancement in applied cessation counselling and health) Home Program Return to work/vocational assessment Nutritional counseling Psychological counselling Regional Program Chronic Disease patient self management Electronic Documentation OTN YMCA Passport to wellness
Cardiac Education topics Heart healthy Nutrition Food labelling Physical Activity How the heart works Stress and your heart Medications Risk factors and goal setting ** All sessions available via live webcasts-see program website
Pulmonary Education topics Lung Anatomy and Physiology Lung Disease and Its Implications Medications and Proper Inhaler Use Managing Shortness of Breath Benefits of Exercise/Safe exercise Nutrition Cough and Chest Clearance Techniques Signs of a Lung Infection Action Plans Travelling with Lung Disease Energy Conservation Air Quality Stress Management Community Resources ** All sessions available via live webcasts-see program website
HSN Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Pillars Disease-Specific Management Clinician/Case manager working with the patient and their Family Physician and/or Specialist Evidence-based optimal care delivery Patient Self-Management Skills Peer-led group classes and support “Optimizing Life” Enhanced self-management skills and decision-making Group Exercise and Rehabilitation Small medically supervised classes Social support during exercise to enhance compliance Community exercise program available for patient’s support system
Center for life goals Self-management/family centered Symptom recognition and control Safe exercise Improve QOL Enhanced linkages/communication Decrease ER visits/admissions
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