Synthesis of Regional Preparatory Meetings and Development of the Call to Action Tikki Pang Research Policy & Cooperation WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Objectives Summary of main recommendations from the other regional preparatory meetings leading to Bamako How these recommendations informed, and are captured, in the draft Call to Action
Tehran, Nov Ministers and heads of delegation (of which 5 came from outside EMRO) - 11 country reports Tehran, Nov Ministers and heads of delegation (of which 5 came from outside EMRO) - 11 country reports Bangkok, June participants from 26 Southeast Asian and Western Pacific countries - 5 Country reports Bangkok, June participants from 26 Southeast Asian and Western Pacific countries - 5 Country reports Algiers, June delegates from 40 African countries (13 ministers/vice ministers and 21 heads of delegation). -10 draft technical reports covering 44 countries based on surveys conducted by AFRO and WHO Headquarters. Algiers, June delegates from 40 African countries (13 ministers/vice ministers and 21 heads of delegation). -10 draft technical reports covering 44 countries based on surveys conducted by AFRO and WHO Headquarters. Rio, April participants from 22 Americas region countries -14 country reports Rio, April participants from 22 Americas region countries -14 country reports Copenhagen, April participants from 21 European countries 3 thematic papers Copenhagen, April participants from 21 European countries 3 thematic papers Figure courtesy of Hélene Boussard Bamako Regional Preparatory Meetings
Photos courtesy Elizabeth Kemf Copenhagen April 29-30, 2008
Rio de Janeiro April 15-18, 2008 Bangkok, June 10-12, 2008
Tehran November, 2007
Recommendation TehranRio de Janeiro* CopenhagenBangkok Inter- & cross- sectoral approaches Regional & international coooperation & coordination Financing for health research National health research systems Evidence to policy- knowledge translation *also including virtual, preparatory dialogues A A A A A
Recommendation TehranRio de Janeiro* CopenhagenBangkok Social-open- technological innovation, TT IP concerns- ensuring access Implementation research, HPSR Health information: standards, KM, open access Ethics of research, good practices *also including virtual, preparatory dialogues A A A A
Regional Synthesis Meeting, Geneva, August 5-6, 2008
Regional Synthesis Meeting- Recommendations Enhance inter-sectoral cooperation Develop effective systems (information, analysis, policies, capacity) Promote social & technological innovation Engage all stakeholders Unfinished agenda (HPSR, KT, accountability) Human resources for NHRS-research for health Financing of research for health Monitoring and reporting mechanisms (global/regional observatory, future fora)
Recommendation TehranRio de Janeiro* CopenhagenBangkok Inter- & cross- sectoral approaches Regional & international cooperation & coordination Financing for health research National health research systems Evidence to policy- knowledge translation *also including virtual, preparatory dialogues A A A A A CTA Element 5, 7.2, 14 8, 10 9, , 12 4
Recommendation TehranRio de Janeiro* CopenhagenBangkok Social-open- technological innovation, TT IP concerns- ensuring access Implementation research, HPSR Health information: standards, KM, open access Ethics of research, good practices *also including virtual, preparatory dialogues A A A A CTA Element 3, 8 7.1, , , 8
Bamako Ministerial Forum – Research for Health WHO Strategy GSPOA elements AlgiersCopenha- gen TehranBangkokRio de Janeiro Priorities 1- priorities 2 - cooperation 7- sustainable funding Products to deal with health problems Work across all disciplines, climate change, migration Emerging technology; infections, chronic diseases Work across all disciplines Link social & technical innovation Capacity 3 – capacity R&D for products 2 – capacity for NHR Capacity Standards 6 – ethical review, QA EthicsGood practiceEthics, emerging technologies Ethics, code of conduct, clinical trial registration Translation 2 – strengthen NHRS Evidence to inform policy Knowledge translation Evidence to policy Evidence to policy, KM Science to policy TFSRSHS Better use of existing interventions, evaluation research Health informn standards To assess HS performance Evidence library
Whether or not knowledge is global, the use of knowledge is always local Photo: UNICEF
MISSION The attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health