Steven Glyer Director Education Technology and CTE Newport-Mesa Unified School District
High School
Elementary High School College
Elementary High School Marriage College
Elementary High School Marriage Family College
Elementary High School Marriage Family College Career
$1 Trillion Dollars
3,000,000,000 people year 2000
AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS from 1970 to 2005 (in 1982 dollars)
Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce Report: America’s Choice: High Skills or Low Wages Released Spring 1990 Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce Report: America’s Choice: High Skills or Low Wages Released Spring 1990
Released December 2006 The Report of the New Commission On the Skills of the American Workforce
Engineering Graduates 950,000
Engineering Graduates United States 60, ,000
Engineering Graduates United States 60, ,000135,000
Number ONE Number ONE Aerospace Waste Management Waste Management Health Care Health Care Entertainment Energy Bio Technology Bio Technology Nano Technology Nano Technology Automotive
20 th Century
$1 Trillion Dollars
21 st Century
Moving work, but not people from rich nations to poor nations.
What nation, rich or poor, is there greater incentive to automate? What nation, rich or poor, is there greater incentive to automate?
Expertise Flexibility Learn Fast
Learning & Innovation Skills Creativity & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Communication & Collaboration Skills
Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy
Life and Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility
Creativity: The ability to see patterns and possibilities where others see chaos.
Innovation: Acting on these patterns or possibilities to produce goods and services.
Schools Today Created for the 20 th Century Factory Workers Farm Workers
4 Year College BA Degree
“One Way to Win” Pressure High Stakes Testing Globalization Professional Careers All Decent Jobs Will Require a BA Social Class & Status Prejudice Against Non-professional Work Equal Opportunity Open Admission Financial Aid NCLB
Post High School
For every twenty 9 TH graders
6 drop out
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 6 drop out
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 6 drop out
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 4 graduate from college 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 4 graduate from college 2 secure high skills/high wage occupations 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 4 graduate from college 2 secure high skills/high wage occupations 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts 2 are underemployed
Remedial Education in Higher Education Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2000b
Remedial Education in Higher Education Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2000b
Remedial Education in Higher Education Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2000b
Remedial Education in Higher Education Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2000b
Demand for Higher Education to the Year 2010 Source: US Dept. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004 DegreeSupplyDemand % Under- Employed Doctoral 47,10076,0000% Master’s 439,000 Bachelor’s 1,324,000
Demand for Higher Education to the Year 2010 Source: US Dept. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004 DegreeSupplyDemand % Under- Employed Doctoral 47,10076,0000% Master’s 439,00063,40086% Bachelor’s 1,324,000
Demand for Higher Education to the Year 2010 Source: US Dept. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004 DegreeSupplyDemand % Under- Employed Doctoral 47,10076,0000% Master’s 439,00063,40086% Bachelor’s 1,324,000730,40045%
New Jobs by Education and Training Levels— 28% BA or higher Source: California Workforce Dept., 2007
New Jobs by Education and Training Levels— 28% BA or higher
Jobs Across the Economy Source: California Workforce Dept., 2007 Even with limited training, one can find good jobs paying a livable wage. Each of the following has many openings. 12 months OJT or less: –Sales Representatives $59,850 –Exec. Secretaries $43,277 –Truck Drivers $38,070 –Customer Service Reps $33, months OJT to Associate Degree –Registered Nurse$71,927 –Computer Support $49,626 –Police and Sheriffs$65,194 –Carpenters$47,310
Orange County – Education/Training Requirements for Occupations Source: California Employment Development Dept, 2005
Orange County – Education/Training Requirements for Occupations Source: California Employment Development Dept, 2005
Job Growth Occupation % Growth Environmental Engineers 38.2% Accountants & Auditors 19.5% Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Monthly Labor Review (Hecker, 2004, p. 80)
Job Growth Occupation % Growth Environmental Engineers 38.2%47,00065,000 Accountants & Auditors 19.5%1,055,0001,260,000 Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Monthly Labor Review (Hecker, 2004, p. 80)
Job Growth Occupation % Growth Environmental Engineers 38.2%47,00065,000 Accountants & Auditors 19.5%1,055,0001,260,000 Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Monthly Labor Review (Hecker, 2004, p. 80)
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 4 graduate from college 2 secure high skills/high wage occupations 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts 2 are underemployed
For every twenty 9 TH graders 6 graduates are work-bound 8 become college freshman 4 graduate from college 2 secure high skills/high wage occupations 6 drop out 4 are college dropouts 2 are underemployed NOT WORKING
What We Tell Students Future economic security is a 4-yr degree Students believe this – –94% plan to continue their education –84% at the baccalaureate level
Pressure to Attend Parent pressure is increasing –Today 83% sophomores –10 years ago 65% Teachers and Counselors –1982 32% –1992 65%
A-G Focus CTE –1987 74% of students enrolled in CTE –2005 34% enrolled in CTE A-G –2005 25% enrolled freshman at UC failed basic English proficiency – required to take a basic writing course. Mean GPA was 3.79 –2005 Incoming freshman in CSU 36% remedial math --- GPA was % remedial English --- GPA was 3.19
Readiness for College We assume that all who go to college are academically qualified –But only 40% of high school grads have academic readiness for college level work And most who begin a 4-year college take remedial courses. And the majority who do, don’t graduate
College Level Jobs College-level jobs for those who do graduate –1960’s 1 in 5 failed to find college-level work –1990’s 1 in 3 failed –Today 1 in 2 failed
Costs Financial: Two thirds of all students receive financial aid and two thirds of it is loans. Between 2001 and 2006 private student education loans increased from $4,000,000 to $17,000,000 annually
CTE and At-Risk Students A combination of 60% academic courses and 40% CTE is the most effective drop-out prevention program in the American high school. Compared to students with similar academic background, CET students are more likely to –Graduate from high school –Be employed in skilled occupations –Or be in college Plan, 2002 Harvey 2001
CTE/Academics & College Nationally, 83% of CTE students also complete an academic concentration (Plank) 80% of this group purse post-secondary education within 8 years of graduating (NCES) Of those pursuing associate degrees, 70% graduated (NCES)
Recommendations 1.Require CTE coursework for ALL K-12 students 2.Fund standards-aligned CTE foundation programs in 9 th and 10 th grades 3.Include CTE in school accountability measurement systems 4.Increase the number of CTE credentialed teachers
Recommendations 5.Continue taxpayer investment into K-12 related facilities and equipment 6.Increase career awareness and institutionalize the alignment of K-12 public instruction with the skill and education needs of available careers in the actual economy 7.Require publicly funded university systems to value CTE and applied learning in their admissions process.
Gd. K-6Gd. 7-8Gd. 9-10Gd Vocabulary Meet the Parents Explore Alternatives Verify Those Alternatives
Tentative career Interest identified Career interests Verified and refined High SchoolAfter High School 9 th – 10 th 11 th – 12 th 13th Honors AP Baccalaureate Pre-baccalaureate/ Tech prep Pre-baccalaureate/ Tech prep Work-based Learning/co-op CTE Work-based Learning/co-op CTE Core Academic Core Academic Work-based Learning/co-op CTE Work-based Learning/co-op CTE Dual enrollment/ middle college Dual enrollment/ middle college Competitive 4-year college Competitive 4-year college 1- or 2-year Technical college 1- or 2-year Technical college Full-time employment Apprenticeship Military Full-time employment Apprenticeship Military
SCHEMA FOR STUDENT PROGRESSION THROUGH THE SYSTEM International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams State Board Transfer Examination Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Technical Exams Choice of one or more of the exams above Upper Secondary Academic Program (Nominal 2 Yrs., e.g., AP, IB) Regional Vocational School, Community or Technical College (Nominal 2-3 Years) Optional Additional Academics STATE BOARD QUALIFYING EXAMINATION Common School (Nominal 10 Grades) Preschool and Kindergarten