July 2014 Workforce Development for People with Intellectual Disabilities Findings from the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Intellectual Disability Workforce Scoping project
Who am I ? My name is George Matuska I am a Registered Nurse, Learning Disability or RNLD
What do I do ? I work in a hospital for: – Adults – Who have a learning disability – Who need help with their mental health issues CEDARHOUSE
Last year I worked for:
Who are Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex ? They ask employers: – how many staff do they need? – What do staff need to learn to do their job They are a new group of people There are 13 other groups across England
What do Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex do? They pay schools and university's to train people to become nurses, doctors and other health care staff They make sure we have enough staff to look after us if we are poorly or need support
They wanted me to find out: Are there enough staff being trained to meet the needs of people who have a learning disability
What we found The Headlines
What we found out about staff: There are lots more nurses than we thought Lots of the nurses did not work for the NHS Nearly half of the nurses could stop working over the next ten years if they wanted to
What we found out about people with learning disabilities:
We know that there will be a small increase in the number of people in Kent, Surrey and Sussex over the next 5 years The British Institute for Learning Disabilities say this will be the same for people with Learning disabilities
We spoke to people who employed, worked with, or educated staff We called them project stakeholders
Some of the things the stakeholders told us were:
They would like to be involved in education and workforce planning
Some people thought that the main provider of pre registration Learning Disability nurse education was a long way from where some people need it Kent Surrey Sussex Kingston University Greenwich University
It was not clear how providers of care could contact Health Education Kent, Surrey, and Sussex if they needed to
It was difficult to recruit staff on to pre registration nurse training courses that come from Kent, Surrey and Sussex and keep them working there when they finished
If you have any questions please ask them now or come and ask me in the break
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