- 1 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY 1.Ismea – an overview 2.The Observatory: a)Genesis b)Goals c)How it works d)The web site
- 2 - ISMEA – The Institute for Agro-Food Market Services On behalf of Agricultural Ministry provides ISMEA MARKET AND INFORMATION SERVICES Land Services Financial Services Insurance Services Technical assistance to the institutions Panels Data collection Networks Data Analysis based on
- 3 - A HUGE SELECTIONS OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT AIMS DWH: development DB Short term news and informations and prediction reports Context Analysis, Strategic Analysis and Scenarios DB Agro-industrial (national and local) DB for different Sectors and fields Ismea tendenze ( quarterly ) Quaterly Reports (Agricultur, Agro-business, Retail) Monthly (organic, consumptions) Newsletter weekly Outlook italian Agribusiness Check-Up agribusiness competitiveness REF (Economical-financial Report) for different sectors Ad hoc analysis MARKET AND INFORMATION SERVICES ANALYSIS AND OUTPUT
- 4 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY GENESIS The Agricultural Ministry promoted the construction of a tool to check the prices formation along the chain, to satisfy the need of market transparency starting from The prices survey networks of ISMEA, working since 40 years (certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008): FARM GATE PRICES and CONSUMER PRICES THE WHOLESALE MARKET PRICES And adding WHY THE OBSERVATORY?
- 5 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY GOALS AIMS OF THE OBSERVATORY To make available the prices of the most important fruit and vegetable products To compare prices at different stages of the supply chain, homogenizing the products classification To follow the prices formation checking any anomalous behavior THE MARKET TRANSPARENCY THAT IS
- 6 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY HOW IT WORKS THE OBSERVATORY WORKS Collecting data from real bargaining organizing prices in a Data warehouse standardizing products classification processing data with appropriate weighting making available many kind of processing data: with different levels of aggregation; at national or local level; covering different time intervals.
- 7 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY THE WEB SITE FRUITOBSERVATORY.COM WHO IS OSSERVA ? 2007 we developed a web based system to manage product traceability 2008 we started a partnership with Fedagromercati to develop a national platform for the monitoring and management of commercial debt 2009 we started working at the Fruit Observatory Project
- 8 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY THE WEB SITE FRUITOBSERVATORY.COM This System provides a detailed record of price trends with regard to a number of significant products in a given area We started monitoring 25 Italian products, collecting data regarding: Product periodicity over the year Average price fluctuation National or local level
- 9 - NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRICES OBSERVATORY THE WEB SITE FRUITOBSERVATORY.COM Fruit Observatory allows users to draw up reports aimed at gaining a deeper undestanding of our Country and prices formation along the chain Users can access standard information reports, always available ad periodically updated Users can also ask specific questions to satisfy individual needs.