2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Gilded Age Presidents Populism & Progressives Progressive Presidents Progressive Legislation Progressive Potpourri
This president was known As the “Father of Civil Service Reform.”
Who was Chester Arthur? 1
This president served two terms – but not back to back!
Who was Grover Cleveland? 2
This president was assassinated by a frustrated job seeker, in 1881.
Who was James Garfield? 3
Candidate who got elected because of the comment “Rum, Romanism and Rebellion.”
Who was Grover Cleveland? 4
These are three major laws concerning economics or the tariff passed during the Harrison administration.
What are Sherman Silver Purchase Act, McKinley Tariff, and Sherman Anti-Trust Act? 5
This man ran for president three times, as a Democrat; he was a great speaker and was previously a populist party leader.
Who was William Jennings Bryan? 1
This is the name of the author of The Jungle, the book about the meatpacking industry.
Who is Upton Sinclair? 2
These are three of the groups of people most active in the Progressive Movement.
What are middle class / farmers / women / unionized workers / journalists? 3
These are four problems facing America, in 1900.
What are 1) political corruption, 2) city machines, 3) increasing political participation, 4) unfair tax system (tariff), 5) horrible working conditions, 6) hostility towards unions, 7) business consolidation, 8) living conditions of urban poor, 9) gap between rich and poor, 10) pollution, 11) segregation? 4
These are five of the ways Progressives tried to fix the problems with political participation and corruption.
What are 1) direct election of US senators, 2) women’s suffrage, 3) campaign spending limits, 4) secret ballot, 5) city commissions, 6) city managers, 7) initiatives or referenda & 8) recall elections? 5
This president was born to great wealth; he was a big game hunter, author, & naturalist before going into politics.
Who was Teddy Roosevelt? 1
This was the nickname of the Progressive Party, formed in 1908.
What was the Bull Moose Party? 2
These are the two slogans of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson’s domestic programs.
What are the “Square Deal” And “Attacking the Triple Wall Of Privilege?” 3
This is a description of the two methods of breaking up trusts and monopolies.
What are suing to break them up and, later, using the FTC to prevent their formation? 4
These are the three parts of Roosevelt’s domestic program.
What are fair treatment of unions, protecting consumers, and trust busting? 5
These state acts helped injured workers by requiring their employers to pay the workers’ medical bills, their off work time, and “permanency.”
What is workers’ compensation? 1
This Act set up the modern banking system.
What was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? 2
This Act regulated the Railroad industry, setting Rates they could charge.
What was the Interstate Commerce Act? 3
This act was the basis for civil service reform throughout The Federal bureaucracy.
What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act? 4
These are three constitutional Amendments passed during the Progressive Era; list the NUMBER and what each did. (Ex – 14 th Am., Equal Protection).
What are: 16 th Am – Income Tax 17 th Am – US Senators 18 th Am – Prohibition 19 th Am – Women’s Suffrage? 5
This election was a transformative election, introducing new ways of campaigning that are still used today.
What is the 1896 election? 1
This was the nickname of Teddy Roosevelt, although President Taft did more of this then Teddy.
What is a “trust buster”? 2
This is the reform of local or State politics that allows The people to kick an elected Official out of office in the Middle of his / her term.
What is a recall election? 3
This was the name of the agency that enforced the Clayton Anti-Trust Act.
What is the Federal Trade Commission? 4
This is the title of Jacob Riis’ book about urban poor and their living / working conditions.
What is How the Other Half Lives? 5