ABOUT THE AUTHOR Born of Dutch decent At 18 began studied at Harvard for 4 years Study in Germany for a year after his Harvard studies were complete. (This is where his political interest began.) Considered to be a Historian, Biographer, Statesman, Hunter, Naturalist, and Orator Wrote 26 books and numerous articles.
POSITION IN SOCIETY Upon return from Germany elected to New York Assembly for 3 years. 1889 Appointed to Civil Service Commission by President Harrison 1895 Became director of the New York Police Department. 1897 Appointed as assistant secretary of Navy and went to Cuba as lieutenant of the Rough Riders 1898 Served 2 year term as Governor of New York then elected as McKinley’s running mate. 1901 Became President due to the assassination of McKinley. 1904 Elected to full term as President
Main Points Those who desire ease don’t deserve a nation. “A life of slothful ease, a life of that peace which springs merely from lack either of desire or of power to strive after great things, is as little worthy of a nation as of an individual.
Main Points Leisure time is to be enjoyed but spent wisely. During wisely used leisure time works such as science, letters, art, historical research are produced.
Main Points We must be concerned about what takes place not only within our borders but outside. “We cannot avoid the responsibilities that confront us in Hawaii, Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. All we can decide is whether we shall meet them in a way that will redound to the national credit, or whether we shall make of our dealings with these new problems a dark and shameful page in our history.”
Main Points We must be concerned about what takes place not only within our borders but outside. “We must build the isthmian canal, and we must grasp the points of vantage which will enable us to have our say in deciding the destiny of the oceans of the East and West.”
Main Points Army needs complete reorganization through legislation.
HISTORICAL CONTEXT American’s constantly are dealing with outside entities both in political and economical standings.