$100 $500 $400 $200 $300 $200 $300 $500 $400 People Name The Foreign Policy Theodore Roosevelt Spanish- American War Anything Goes! CLICK HERE FOR FINAL JEOPARDY
This author wrote The Jungle, a book that showed the flaws in meat packing plants in Chicago.
Who is Upton SInclair? $100
This US officer attacked and destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Philippines, and it only took 7 hours.
Who is Commodore George Dewey ? $200
This Secretary of State purchased Alaska from Russia for 2 cents an acre; some thought it was a waste of money!
Who is William Seward? $300
This owner of the New York Journal stated, “you furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war”.
Who is William Randolph Hearst? $400
This Cuban revolutionary raised money in the US to use in overthrowing Spain in his country.
Who is Jose Marti? $???
US marines overthrew Queen Liliuokalani and annexed Hawaii for the benefit of US businessmen.
What is Imperialism? $100
George Washington felt that the US should NOT become involved in “entangling alliances” ; he didn’t want other countries problems.
$200 What is isolationism?
The Platt Amendment allowed Cuba to write a constitution, BUT it gave the US the right to intervene and Guantanamo Bay.
What is Internationalism? $300
The US bought The Philippines from Spain for $20 million dollars.
What is Imperialism? $400
The US wanted an Open Door Policy in China. This would allow any nation to trade with any other nation.
$500 What is Multilateralism?
TR’s love of the outdoors showed in this part of his domestic policy.
$100 What is conservation ? (purchasing 170,000 acres of parkland)
TR organized this volunteer group of cowboys and college athletes to go fight the Spanish in Cuba.
$200 Who are the Rough Riders?
Teddy sent this group of 16 battleships around the world to show US power.
$300 What is The Great White Fleet?
Teddy wanted the US to build and run the Panama Canal, so he did this to gain control of it.
$400 What is he helped Panama overthrow Colombia?
This policy of Roosevelt’s stated that the US has the right to intervene in Latin America.
$??? What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
Untrue, biased, sensationalized stories were known by this because of a cartoon character.
$100 What is yellow journalism?
When this battleship blew up outside Havana, Cuba, Americans blamed the Spanish.
$200 What is The Maine?
This Filippino thought the US would help free his country from Spain; he was disappointed!
$300 Who is Emilio Aquinaldo?
Puerto Rico was given freedom from Spain, but remained in US control because of this agreement.
$400 What is The Foraker Act?
These two factors contributed to the US declaring war against Spain.
$500 What is yellow journalism and The Maine exploding ?
This army doctor solved the medical issues in Panama.
$100 Who is Dr. William Gorgas?
This is an area, usually around a seaport, where a nation had special trading privileges.
$200 What is a sphere of influence ?
During this event foreigners were attacked in China; 200 were killed.
$300 What is the Boxer Rebellion?
William Taft felt the US should invest in other countries and trade with them; his foreign policy was called this.
$400 What is Dollar Diplomacy?
This man created the complex lock system that is still used in the Panama Canal today.
$500 Who is George Goethals?
State three reasons why the US became imperialistic at the start of the 20 th Century.
What is: 1. economic reasons- we want natural resources 2. competition- we want to control an area so we can design the rules of trade 3. “White Man’s Burden”- we thought we should spread our religion and culture to lesser people