Publishers Web Sites Standard Features
Objectives Access publishers websites Identify general features available on most publishers websites Know how to use these features to find and utilize articles, keep up with current literature, and aid in further research
Accessing Publishers Websites
Choose Browse Journals by Publisher for view of specific journals by publisher- RECOMMENDED
Browse Journals by Publisher Choose publisher from Browse Journals by Publisher dropdown menu
Browse Journals by Publisher This brings you to a list of all the journals that the publisher offers through AGORA. Scroll down to view the entire list and click title to view journal homepage
Journal Homepage
Elements of Publishers Websites Publishers websites have certain common features Exercise 6: Examine publishers website and note main features. Report to group.
Publishers Websites Vary All publishers websites are slightly different and can even vary by journal within a publishers site –Identical features might be accessed differently or will be in other places –Journal coverage (PDF and/or HTML full-text) from 1997 onwards generally –Not all publishers offer the same features (e.g., some have table of contents alerting, some do not)
Navigating Publishers Websites As with other electronic resources: –Changes to the website may occur. (In most cases they do) –Technical difficulties occasionally arise. –Do not enter your AGORA log in again on publishers website Any ongoing trouble with AGORAs connection to websites, (describe problem and include print screen).
Elements of Publishers Websites Usually at least four or five levels to publishers websites –Overarching homepage for the publisher –Main publications page or specific product pages (e-journals, e-books, print publications, etc.) –Journal or List of Issues level page –Table of Contents level page for a particular issue –Article level page
Main navigation bars Journal List Product info or news Log in for personalized services NOT for AGORA password
Elements of Main Publications Page Basic and Advanced Search options for all journal titles or full- text Multiple means to access journals: by read articles; saved; quick link; favorites; specific volume, issue, page numbers
Elements of Journal or List of Issues Page Title; publication info; thumbnail of cover Special services such as table of contents (TOC) e- mail alerts and saved favorites lists of commonly used journals and articles are sometimes offered Search within a single journal sometimes available and quick link for Journals you know
Elements of Journal or List of Issues Page List of Issues, including articles in progress Click on one you want. Access is offered in many forms depending on journal.
Elements of Table of Contents Pages Users can choose between viewing the Abstract, Full text PDF or Full text HTML Ability to mark or highlight records for later viewing or viewing as a group, downloading, ing, printing Article and author information
Elements of Article Level Pages Easy access to other parts of the issue and to additional features such as searching In CrossRef, Synergy Or by author, etc. Access to other formats for article Publication info and abstract
Elements of Article Level Links Skip to Specific section of the article In HTML, references are hyperlinked to the actual citations at the bottom of the article
Images in HTML To save loading time, images are shown as a thumbnail preview To enlarge the image, simply click on it, and it will pop up in a separate browser window
Uses of Website Features – alerts for new tables of content in your subject area and when new articles matching keywords or author names appear –Favorites lists for frequently used journals and articles –Advance publication articles and supplementary information to print journal –Saved searches –Ability to articles to others –Can get article submission information or submit articles online
Uses of Website Features Many other features: –Can get full-text of some references – Ability to mark articles for later download or export to bibliographic reference manager –Search across all publications –Registration for personalized services required for some features
Full-text of References Sometimes references are available in full-text from other sources if you have a subscription to the referenced journal through AGORA or another source
ing Articles in Elsevier To articles choose the article s you want and Click on articles
Input the details of the recipient and click on send
Add a personal note and subject topic
Searching Simple or Quick Search is the default Advanced Search provides more complex searching features (Boolean parameters, wildcards, truncation, etc.) which are usually detailed in Search Tips, Help or Demo.
Searching continued... Search again within your search results or on the homepage to find the exact information youre looking for
Personalized Services Registration is often required to: Receive table of contents alerts Save searches and results for later use Re-run searches and results automatically Link to your favourite journals and articles 2. To access your personalized services after registration, log in and go to My Synergy 1. To register click here
Log in and Registration Page
Summary Best accessed by Browse Journals by Publisher Set of standard features whose availability is listed in Publishers Website Features Chart Can be used to find or utilize articles, keep up with current literature, and aid in further research
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Portions of this lecture have been extracted and revised from the Blackwell Synergy site at Materials from this site, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are copyright Blackwell Publishing.