How it may effect your academic studies. Created by Rachel Mickelson, Argosy University intern in counseling
Special Issues for College Students Generally more academic problems Lower self-esteem Poor social skills Poor time management skills
Executive functions affected by ADHD Activation Focus Effort Emotion Memory Action
General ADHD Symptoms Poor attention Chronic procrastination Frequently losing things Difficulty starting and/or finishing tasks Physical restlessness Poor organization, planning, and time management skills
Inattention Symptoms Makes careless mistakes Easily distracted Enthusiastic beginnings, then fails to complete Difficulty shifting focus Trouble sustaining attention, especially with repetitive tasks
Hyperactivity Symptoms Fidgets with hands, feet, pens, etc. Talks excessively Easily excitable Impatient and restless Energetic but poorly directed Enhanced self-stimulation (humming, whistling, making noise, etc.)
Impulsivity Symptoms Difficulty waiting turn Intrudes on others conversations Fails to stop and think Low frustration tolerance Difficulty organizing work Social difficulties because acts on whim
What to do next… GET EVALUATED!! Learn your strengths and weaknesses Set goals Use prompts
Extra Support Therapy Family/Friends Teachers Accommodations Medications
Medications for ADHD Stimulant Medications (Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Dexedrine) Non-Stimulant Medications (Strattera) Antidepressants (Tricyclics, SSRIs) Educate yourself, Be patient, Start small, Monitor effects, Taper off slowly.
Positive Characteristics of ADHD Creativity Enthusiasm and spontaneity A quick mind High energy level
Extra Resources ADD: Friendly ways to Organize Your Life By Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D and Judith Kolberg
Famous people with ADHD Ansel Adams- Photographer Alexander Graham Bell- Telephone Inventor Beethoven- Composer George Burns- Actor Jim Carrey- Comedian Cher- Actress/Singer Winston Churchill- Statesman Salvador Dali- Artist Leonardo da Vinci- Inventor, Artist Walt Disney Thomas Edison- Inventor Albert Einstein- Physicist Dwight D. Eisenhower- US President Henry Ford- Automobile Innovator Benjamin Franklin- Politician Ernest Hemingway- Author Milton Hershey- “The Chocolate King” Michael Jordan- Basketball Player John F. Kennedy- US President John Lennon- Musician Napoleon Bonaparte- Emperor Sir Issac Newton- Scientist, Mathematician Ozzy Osbourne- Musician General George Patton- Military Pablo Picasso- Artist Edgar Allan Poe- Author, Poet Anna Eleanor Roosevelt- First Lady Steven Spielberg- Filmmaker Vincent van Gogh- Artist
To set up an ADHD evaluation Contact: Student Affairs Office (Dr. Suzana Flores) (Student Affairs)