Presentation for the Alabama Integrated Nutrition Education Network The Alabama Cooperative Extension System Nutrition Education Program and the Food and Nutrition Service Written by Suzette M. Jelinek, Ed.D.
Why physical activity? n Physical activity is an important recipe to overall health. n Combined with healthy food choices, physical activity reduces your risk of chronic disease such as Type II diabetes, stroke, hypertension and osteoarthritis, just to name a few.
Doing no activity can make you sick.
n Alabama has 6th highest rate of death due to cardiovascular disease. n Alabama has the eighth highest rate of death due to stroke. n In 2000 alone, over 300,000 adults in Alabama had diagnosed diabetes. How has chronic disease affected Alabamians?
A regular routine of physical activity can prevent chronic diseases, as well as help you feel better.
What is physical activity? n Physical activity is moderate activity that is kept up for a length of time.
It may include 30 minutes of walking, lawn mowing, vacuuming, swimming, dancing, aerobics, and other sports.
It can also be split up throughout the day in 10 or 15 minute periods.
How to choose an activity? n It is important to choose an activity that you enjoy doing.
Its more fun to participate in an activity with others. It will help you stick with it.
If you feel you are at risk or are over 45, it is important that you check with your doctor, to be sure you are not putting yourself at risk.
How to get started? n Once you have decided on an activity you want to do, start slowly and progress over time. Make it a healthy habit. n Dont overdo it. n Make activity a part of your weekly routine. Instead of watching TV and eating snacks, walk for 30 minutes instead…even take your kids.
What do I wear for physical activity? n Look at the clothes you wear during physical activity. n All clothing should be loose-fitting for lots of movement. n Since you can get hot, pick light-colored cotton clothing in the summer. n Dark layered clothes are good for winter.
Tips when buying shoes. n Shop late in the day, when feet are biggest. n Wear socks you would wear for activity. n The front of the shoe should be big enough to wiggle your toes in the toe box.
Tips when buying shoes. n Feel inside the shoes for seams and ridges. n Shoes should bend at the widest part. n Walk around the store and check for comfort. n Make sure the shoes feel good on your feet.
Dont forget to breathe. Everyone needs oxygen.
The sun is not always your friend. n Do you remember that wide brimmed hat your grandma was wearing, please do the same! Protect yourself from the suns rays.
The sun is not always your friend. n Always use sunscreen with a sun protection factor of (SPF15) or higher. Remember the sun rays are the strongest between 10am and 2pm. n Wear UV blocking sunglasses.
Sun and Overheating n Remember we all can burn, regardless of skin type or color. n Drink lots of water to keep hydrated before and during your activity. n Sweating is good for you! It releases body heat and keeps the body cool.
More Tips n Warm up -Warming up the body before an activity prevents injuries. If you are walking always start at a slower pace to allow muscles to warm up and stretch. n Cool down - Allow the body to return to a resting state after an activity. If you are walking, slow down the pace for the last five minutes.
Keep On Moving n Choose an activity you like. n Look for new exercise ideas. n Add music to your workout to have even more fun.
Keep On Moving n Dont compare yourself to others. n Everybody has bad days, its ok to miss a day of exercising as long as you get back on track.
You should exercise because... n You feel great and energized afterwards. n You keep your weight under control. n It helps you to think better and smarter.
You should exercise because... n It improves the health of your heart. n It improves your cholesterol levels. n It increases strength and flexibility. n It increases bone density.
You should exercise because... n It is fun catching up with your friends while walking instead of calling them on the phone. n It is time not spent eating. n It is fun!
You dont need to be a pro... Just do it!