Chapter 7: The Progressive Era 1900-1920
You could be in any party and still be a Progressive You could be in any party and still be a Progressive. They wanted to fix: Unregulated industrialization Unplanned urbanization Unrelenting immigration Social instability Economic injustice Political corruption
The Muckrakers Muckrakers were named by TR because they could only look down at the problems of society The muckrakers saw their primary objective as exposing social problems to the public.
Features of Progressivism: Democracy – the direct primary, initiative, referendum, recall, & the 17th amendment Efficiency – scientific government, commission system, city-manager plan Regulation – restore the competition of small firms Social Justice – private charities like Settlement Houses, labor legislation for children, and women Prohibition – amendment sent to the states in 1917 Robert M. La Follette
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Disaster in 1911
Teddy Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” He called for enforcement of exiting anti-trust laws During the 1902 Coal Strike TR won support for his use of the “big stick” against business By taking these actions TR expanded Federal power
Teddy Roosevelt’s Own Term The Hepburn Act – authorized the ICC to set maximum rates for railroads
Upton Sinclair author of the Jungle TR signed The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act (b/c of the novel the Jungle) Upton Sinclair author of the Jungle
Teddy Roosevelt and Conservation TR was an ardent conservationist and sportsman Environmental Conservation with his friend George Bird Grinnell who the Audubon Society
Vs. The 1908 Presidential Race The Democrats once again nominate William Jennings Bryan TR’s hand picked successor was Republican William Howard Taft
Taft as President Domestic Policies i.e. the Tariff and Department of Interior Conservation Anti-Trust suit against United States Steel 16th and 17th Amendments
The Presidential Election of 1912 William Howard Taft Nominated by the Republicans 2,500,000 votes 8 Electoral Votes Woodrow Wilson Democrat 6,300,000 votes 435 Electoral Votes Eugene V. Debs Socialist Socialism- advocates State ownership of business Anti-Capitalism 900,000 votes Theodore Roosevelt Split the Republican Party and started a Progressive Party “The Bull Moose Party” 4,100,000 votes 88 Electoral Votes
Wilson’s 1st Term as President The Tariff Wilson appointed William Jennings Bryan as secretary of state The Federal Reserve Act The Federal Highways Act No Woman’s Suffrage Allowed Racism in Gov. No support for Anti-Child Labor laws No Support for Farmers
The Federal Reserve
The Federal Highway Act Passed in 1916 This also marked a sharp turn from Jacksonian opposition to internal improvements at federal expense This would help the farmers with their new automobiles
Limits of Progressivism At the same time of progressivism blacks were losing their rights Progressivism was mainly for the middle-class not the poor Voter turn out would see a steady decline When the U.S. entered World War I in 1917 the Progressive Era would end