Social Security 101 Sheila Fesko Institute for Community Inclusion NextSTEP
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National Partnerships
AGENDA Introduction to Social Security programs Relationship to National Service programs Impact of work on benefits Engaging SSA recipients in service
Two SSA Disability Benefits Programs Supplemental Security Income (SSI) “ Social Security ” Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Supplemental Security Income SSI-Supplemental Security Income Provides financial support and medical benefits (Medicaid) to persons with low income and few resources who are: Aged (65+) or Blind or Disabled Medicaid Health Insurance Monies come from General Revenue
Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI-Social Security Disability Insurance Cash benefits and medical insurance for: – Former Workers or – Dependents of a retired, deceased or disabled worker including: Children under 18, disabled child over 18 if disability acquired before 22 Medicare Health Insurance Social Security monies come from FICA taxes
Medicare Coverage 24-month waiting period for coverage after cash benefits begin Part A: Hospital Insurance coverage automatic Part B: Medical Insurance voluntary with monthly premiums (recipients billed for months in which no cash benefit is received)
Eligibility for 2013 SSI Eligibility ÝResource requirement: less than $2000 in assets ÝIncome requirement: earning less than SGA ($1,040/a month) Ý Medically disabled ÝU.S. Citizen or meets immigration requirements ÝDisability is anticipated to last at least a year SSDI Eligibility ÝWorked and paid Social Security taxes (FICA) for enough quarters - Or a dependent of a former worker ÝMedically disabled ÝNot working or earning less than SGA ($1,040/a month) ÝDisability is anticipated to last at least a year
Living Allowance and Social Security AmeriCorps State/Nationa l Direct AmeriCorps VISTA SSI RecipientsNo impact SSDI RecipientsCounted as income No impact
Mary Stack
Red Book on Work Incentives One of SSA’s highest priorities is to help (recipients) with disabilities achieve a better and more independent lifestyle by helping them to take advantage of employment opportunities.
Effects of income on SSI <General and earned income exclusions = $85 <Check is gradually reduced in relation to income <Continued cash benefits when earnings are above SGA until break even point is reached (1619a) <Continued Medicaid eligibility when earnings exceed BEP until threshold amount – state dependent but can be up to $30,000 - is exceeded (1619b)
SSI Work Incentives Student Earned Income Exclusion – Students under age of 22 can exclude income Plan to Achieve Self-Support – Allows individual to set aside income to achieve vocational goal Impairment Related Work Expense – Expenses individuals with a disability needs to be able to work are deducted from earnings
Effect of Income on SSDI SSDI check is not initially impacted by earning Individuals has 9 month Trial work Period to test work – Trial work month, any month individual earns over $720 – Have 9 cumulative months within 5 years
Work Incentives SSDI Extended Period of Eligibility – After completing Trial Work Period 36 months if income goes below Substantial Gainful Activity –SSDI check can be reinstated the next month Expedited Reinstatement – Following extended period of eligibility Benefits can be reinstated for 60 months without new application Impairment Related Work Expense Extended Medicare Coverage
Ticket to Work SSA recipients can get a “Ticket to Work” that they can bring to an Employment Network that will help them find a job. Employment Network is paid for service based on individual moving off benefits. Employment Networks include: – Vocational rehabilitation – Community rehab providers
Alex Richard
Resources National Service to Employment Project (NextSTEP) – Sheila Fesko, ICI—UMass Boston National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP) – Social Security Administration