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Exploring Your Options 17 * Exploring popular options in Access * Customizing the current database * Trusting locations, publishers, and code * Going online with Microsoft Stations Along the Way
Frequently Changed Options OptionWhat It DoesDefault Setting Always Use ClearType Can enhance Access’s look on-screen Off ScreenTip style Controls display of on- screen tips Show feature descriptions Show Shortcut Keys in ScreenTips Displays keyboard shortcuts for accessing features Off Color schemeChanges the on- screen colors Blue
Database Creation Options OptionWhat It DoesDefault Default file format Specifies database file format Access 2007 Default database folder Sets location where files are opened or saved Most recent database folder New database sort order Bases sort order on language choice General (English)
Personalizing Your Copy of Microsoft Office User name: The name to appear throughout Microsoft Office Initials: Can identify the database creator Language settings: The editing language for interacting with Access
Setting Current Database Options Affects only the database in use but Affects all database users Saves options along with the database Includes options for Application usability Navigation Ribbon and toolbar Table or field name auto-correction Filter lookup
Datasheet Options OptionSettingsDefault Color Font Background Alternate background Gridlines Black White White Light gray Gridlines and Cell Effects Gridlines showing Cell effect Column width Horizontal and vertical Flat 1 inch Font Font typeface Font size, weight, underline, and italics Calibri 11, normal, no, and no
Object Designers Options Object / Category Type of Options TableField type and size; auto-indexing; related control properties QueryTable and field processing; font selections; SQL-compatible syntax Forms/ Reports Field selection; templates; editor selection Error Checking Development-related error checking selections
Proofing Options Proofing tools: Match those in other Microsoft Office products AutoCorrect options: Correct words as they’re typed Correct Spelling options: Compare words to regular and custom dictionaries
Advanced Options Address personal or professional preference Affect editing during development Determine application appearance Outline report margins Set formats for display Control database access and integrity
Customize with the Quick Access Toolbar Gives quick access to common tasks Default tasks include Save, Undo, and Redo Add other common tasks as needed Added tasks appear in selected database or all databases Reset to defaults easily
Additional Sections SectionWhat It Manages Add-InsMicrosoft Office add-ins PrivacyPrivacy statements for Access and Office; customer experience improvement SecuritySecurity features; automatic updates; asset protection Trust Center Trusted publishers, locations, add- ins, and macros; help and support
Resources Microsoft Update page: Checks for needed updates Microsoft Office Diagnostic Wizard: Performs setup and system tests Contact Us: Offers professional or community support and feedback Activate Microsoft Office: Enables downloads, templates, or updates Office 2007 Online System page: Offers help, downloads, Office Live, and updates About Microsoft Access: Gives license, version, and registration information
Discussion Topics Do I need to change all of the options in the Access Options window? Which options affect just my copy of Access?