Data and You
Computer Crime Less Cash money Credit cards types credit, debit, cash cards, and checks ATMs
Organization Holding Personal Information School, college, and university National health service Police Banks and building societies Gas, electricity and telephone Employers Government departments Driving vehicle license authority Book and movie library
Important information Person’s Photograph Mobile phones Cameras at ports ATM cards Cash points Internet cookies record details of the web sites you have visited Supermarkets bills (what are you eating and drinking) Loyalty cards (supermarkets, money transfer, ….)
Extracting Information What news papers, magazines and paper books you read What drinks you like Methods you use to pay for your purchases Whether you have petrol or diesel car You are house hold/ all members of your family are vegetarians What pet you have Whether you have young children/teenage in your family Whether you are on diet Whether you and any member of your family smokes
Misuse of Electronically Stored Information Cross-referencing Danger of hacking/cracking Making alteration Faster access to data
Data Protection Acts Data protection act 1984, and now new act called data protection act 1998 which deals with internet, loyalty card and the use of huge customer database for marketing purposes Processing of data (manually and computerized) Put obligations on those people who record and process personal data (data controllers) Data controllers must be open to Data Protection Commissioner (a person who enforce the act) on how they are collecting the data and how they intended to use the data.
Data Protection Principles Assignment Read the Data Protection Principles on page 140 for exam. Some Sensitive Personal data – The racial or ethical origin – Their political opinion – Their religious beliefs – Their physical and mental health or conditions
Data protection act website