TEMPUS UM_JEP Development of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education - QUASYS Promotion of Quality Assurance System at the University of Osijek presented by Prof. Dr. Žaneta Ugarčić-Hardi Zagreb, May, 28-29, 2004
Problems defined: Gap between employers’ needs and knowledge and skills of students (graduates) Obsolete Curriculum High drop-out rate Low motivation level of students
Quality Assurance System 2 aspects: Academic quality: quality of teaching and learning and quality of curriculum Quality of infrastructure: facilities, equipment
Key Elements: - to assure standards of achievement - to assure quality of teaching - to assure quality of management
Internal Evaluation Internal evaluation focuses on: Aims, structure and content of study programs Conditions in which teaching and learning processes are carried out Organization of study programs
QA System focuses on: Promotion of quality culture Systematic approach to quality assessment Coherent and transparent system structure Focus on student needs Commitment to quality improvement Confidence building Efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability
What is evaluated? Priorities: Teaching and learning process (courses and programmes, structure and content, aims and objectives, up-to-datedness, learning materials, outcomes, gained skills and competencies) Staff (staff development, staff initiatives) Infrastructure (learning environment, access to equipment, libraries) Student counselling, support services
Activities at the University of Osijek Analysis of current situation in respect of QA principles Guidelines for reform of university studies through: Curriculum changes Improvement of quality of studies Lowering of the average period of studying Repositioning of HE services in community Intensification of international cooperation Improvement of organizational culture
Project on quality assessment “How I See My Studies” and analysis of collected data Intensification of cooperation with the Students’ Conference Organization of seminars and lectures on QA issues as a follow-up of the QUASYS project
Project “How I See My Studies” realized in cooperation with the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb aims to get information: on students’ opinion on the quality of studies and facilities on the quality of teaching on the application of the best practices to teaching and organization on the level of information that reach students on the level of student influence in the process of change on the quality of communication among students, teaching staff and administrative staff
Quality of students and their performance Quality of students on admission Marks on admission Social origin of students Admission rates Enrolment rates
Student performance Retention rate in the first year Measures for integration and supervision of new students Graduation rate Average time to graduation Rate of transfer to employment after graduation
Some suggestions as a follow-up of the project Board for Quality Assurance of Croatian Higher Education System Preparation of documents and guidelines for self-evaluation at the university level Organization of courses for non-academic staff Improvement of communicational culture Research into efficacy of study units through data processing and analysis