)Talk about Pat Kinlaw- Transition back to the Baldrige framework- focusing on the leadership category something like:) Now that we have the right people in the right seats on the bus…. Let’s turn our attention back to the Baldrige framework for excellence- and specifically the category of leadership
The Journey to Excellence An Introduction to the Malcolm Baldrige Framework for Excellence 2
Our Vision Henrico County Public Schools will be THE PREMIER school district in the United States.
Henrico County Public Schools Key Performance Indicators Strategic Planning Stakeholder Surveys Community Priorities Workshop Project/Process Management Restructuring of the Division Leadership Team
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 5 Workforce Focus 1 Leadership 7 School Division Results 3 Customer Focus 6 Operational Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management of Data
HCPS Work Systems
What is Baldrige? Created by Congress in 1987 as a public/private partnership to ensure success in the competitive global marketplace. Baldrige Key Objectives: Share best management and organizational best practice Help organizations achieve world class performance levels Identify and recognize role-model organizations throughout the nation
The Baldrige Framework Built on the conceptual model of systems thinking grounded in: Visionary leadership Student-centered excellence Organizational and personal learning Valuing workforce members and partners Agility Focusing on the future Managing for Innovation Managing by Fact Accepting Societal Responsibility Focusing on results
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 1 Leadership
Category 1: Leadership How do senior leaders lead? Vision, values, and mission Communication and organizational performance How do leaders govern and fulfill societal responsibilities? Accountability and performance Legal and ethical behavior Support for the community
What is your role as a leader? Select a leader, recorder and a reporter. Work with your group to complete your organizer. Be prepared to share out.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 1 Leadership
Category 2: Strategic Planning How do you develop your strategic plan? The planning process The strategic goals and objectives How do you implement the strategic plan? Action plan development and deployment Performance measures and projections
What is your role in the District Strategic Plan? Select a leaders, recorder and reporter. Review the strategic plan document noting the areas where you support implementation. Be prepared to share your responses.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 1 Leadership 3 Customer Focus
Category 3: Customer Focus How do you obtain information from your students and stakeholders? Listening to students and stakeholders Determining stakeholder satisfaction How do you engage students and stakeholders to serve their needs and build relationships? Building educational programs and services Building student and stakeholder relationships
Who are your Customers? Pick a leaders, recorder and a reporter. Identify your customers Complete the organizer examining your interactions with the customers
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 1 Leadership 3 Customer Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management of Data
Category 4: Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management How do you measure, analyze and then improve performance? Performance measures, comparative data, stakeholder data, and measurement agility Performance review and improvement How do you manage your information and information technology? Data, information and knowledge management Management of information resources and technology
What are your key measures? Identify a leaders, recorder and a reporter. Complete the organizer identifying your key measures currently collected and those that should be collected. Be prepared to report out.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 5 Workforce Focus 1 Leadership 3 Customer Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management of Data
Category 5: Workforce Focus How do you build an effective and supportive workforce environment? Workforce capability and capacity Workplace climate How do you engage the workforce to achieve organizational and personal success? Organizational culture and performance management Workforce engagement for results Learning and development systems
How do you engage your workforce? Identify a leaders, recorder and a reporter. Identify your workforce. Who are they? What structures do you use to engage them in providing excellent service?
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 5 Workforce Focus 1 Leadership 3 Customer Focus 6 Operational Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management of Data
Category 6: Operational Focus How do you design, manage, and improve your work systems? Work system design and management Emergency readiness How do you design, manage, and improve your key work processes? Work process design and management Work process improvement
What are your key processes Select a leader, recorder and a reporter. List the important process within your area of operation. Organize this list into key processes and supporting processes. Identify at least one process that you would like to study for improvement.
Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework 2 Strategic Planning 5 Workforce Focus 1 Leadership 7 School Division Results 3 Customer Focus 6 Operational Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management of Data
Category 7: Results What are your school division’s performance and improvement trends in key areas? Student learning and process outcomes Customer-focused outcomes Workforce-focused outcomes Leadership and governance outcomes Budgetary, financial, and market outcomes
What are your results? Select a Leader and a reporter. Talk with your team and identify a result you are proud of. Identify a result you believe needs the most improvement in the coming year.