Cultural Issues that Influence Safety and Security Culture Presented by: Sonja B. Haber, Ph.D. Human Performance Analysis, Corp. To: Brazil-U.S. Workshop on Strengthening the Culture of Nuclear Safety and Security Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) São Paulo, Brazil August 25-26, 2014
Culture is Culture is Culture Organizational Culture refers to the characteristics of the work environment, such as the values, rules, and common understandings that influence employees’ perceptions and attitudes. A Culture FOR Safety and Security refers to the combined characteristics of the work environment, such as the values, rules, and common understandings that influence employees’ perceptions and attitudes about the importance the organization places on safety and security.
Edgar Schein’s Model of Culture Artifacts – visible organizational structures, processes, and behaviors. Claimed Values – the organization’s stated values and rules of behavior. Basic Assumptions – taken for granted conditions within the organization that often operate at a subconscious level. Change must occur at all 3 levels for culture to be impacted.
Metaphor of Culture 9/10 of the iceberg is under water... (Image from Above the surface we find visible aspects of culture: objects, actions, talk, text Under the surface we find: Norms Values Espoused Tacit Basic assumptions about reality
Exercise Take a few minutes and jot down your thoughts on what might represent Artifacts, Claimed Values and Basic Assumptions within an organization’s culture that could influence Safety and/or Security Claimed Values: Lost time injuries of less than 1 hour for every 100 hours worked for this quarter; “if you see something say something” Artifacts: People wearing appropriate PPE; security screening for people entering the facility Basic Assumptions: People will always make mistakes; our facility is impenetrable.
Monitoring Culture Efforts to monitor culture are often outcome or performance oriented (reactive) and focus on behaviors exhibited. While behavior is the visible outcome of culture, culture change comes about by modifying basic assumptions. More effective culture monitoring activities attempt to address all levels of culture.
Key Attributes of Culture that Influence Safety and Security Performance Complexity Leadership Communications Trust
Systemic View Complexity of understanding culture as it affects both safety and security performance. Interaction of human, organizational and technological factors. Importance of diversity of expertise in analyzing safety and security.
Summary Safety and Security Performance are influenced by organizational culture Important to consider all levels of culture to understand – artifacts, espouse values, basic assumptions. Systemic view of safety and security promotes change and sustainability.