AP Language and Composition Ms. McArdle Ms. Bragunier
Designed to be the equivalent of a first-year college writing course Requires students to become skilled composers of written language in a variety of disciplines and rhetorical contexts. You are expected to come into this class with a firm understanding of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. At this point, grammatical errors in your writing should be nonexistent.
What type of writing will we be doing? Students will mainly participate in timed, in-class writing activities focusing on the development of: Analytical essays Argumentative essays Synthesis essays
However, words are not all… Students will be asked to analyze how images such as graphics, cartoons, film and texts published in electronic media relate to written texts and serve as their own alternative form of text
It is about research and informed outside knowledge, too The informed use of research materials and the ability to synthesize varied sources to support a student argument is an integral part of the AP Language course and exam. Students are asked to formulate varied, informed arguments of their own. This will mainly be demonstrated through two major outside writing projects: A persuasive speech given to a large group A thorough research paper
August through November: Analytical writing—how to analyze stylistically and rhetorically what a writer is doing in his or her work You will learn a variety of ways to analyze text and learn a multitude of devices in order to help you describe a writer’s style and use of rhetoric.
What type of terms? Schemes and tropes, such as… Anastrophe Antithesis Aphorism Apostrophe/Authorial Intrusion Asyndeton Cacophony Caesura Chiasmus Circumlocution
December through February Persuasive and argumentative writing Fallacies Induction/deduction ethos, logos, pathos
March through June Synthesis writing Research paper
How are essays scored?
AP Language Writing Grading Scale 9.0 = = = = = 75 (AP passing) 4.0 = = = = 55
What else should I know about writing? We will create and utilize a writing portfolio that will be an integral part of your midterm and final exam grade. The portfolio allows for reflection, and development as a writer and is a good way to progress your growth.
What type of reading assignments should I expect? We study primarily nonfiction and fiction AMERICAN literature from a chronological perspective. Outside reading includes mainly novels and plays, such as The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Huck Finn, The Awakening, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and The Kite Runner. You will be asked to read approximately 100 pages of a novel/play a week, and can expect to spend 4- 6 hours completing comprehension and analysis questions on what you have read. Additionally, we frequently give reading checks (quizzes) that purposefully check to make sure you are not relying on Spark Notes.
In class: We will read a variety of shorter works excerpts, and poetry that will represent different historical aspects of America We will participate in group discussions of thematic and stylistic elements of your outside reading.
What about assessments? At the end of each unit of study, an assessment, which is weighted heavily, is given on the content studied. This usually consists of… An objective test on the novel or play An objective test on the in-class readings and AP skills we have covered over the course of the unit A timed AP style essay related to the literature studied
Basically: The course focuses on studying American literature; however, throughout the year, the skills needed to successfully pass the AP test are interwoven within the American literature curriculum. You will learn the AP skills by studying the American literary canon.
Additionally: You will study 20 vocabulary words (usually weekly) and be quizzed on these words. You will be graded on participation in group discussions.
AP Language Learning Objectives Students will be prepared for the AP Language and Composition exam, whereby they may receive college credit based on their scoring. The preparation for the rigors of the exam and for success in college classes is the paramount focus of this course.
Upon completing the AP Language course students should be able to: Analyze and interpret samples of good writing; identify and explain an author’s use of rhetorical strategies Apply these same techniques and strategies to their own writing Create and sustain an argument based on reading, research, current events, historical precedent, literature connection etc.
The AP Language Exam: three hours – a timed test Approximately 60 multiple choice questions with one minute allotted for each question including reading time – 45% Three essays: rhetorical analysis, argument, and synthesis – approximately 40 minutes each including reading time – 55%
How do I decide if this class is for me? If you are currently a strong GT or honors student and enjoy reading a balanced literary diet including non-fiction - this class is for you. If you are deliberately and intellectually prepared for class, understand the importance of homework as preparation, and maintain a consistent academic pace and rigor – this class is for you. If you like to analyze the world around you: reading, writing, and visual interpretation in terms of argument (point of view) – this class is for you.
If you enjoy the academic environment of higher level thinking and the company of other similarly attuned students – this class is for you. If you enjoy reading, writing, and thinking about complex and mature topics that defy the typical opposing arguments– this class is for you.
What should I do to prepare myself for next year? Read the books on the suggested handout. Complete SAT critical reading and writing practice sections on collegeboard.com.
A General Overview of American Literature Unit I: A Meeting of Traditions: (Prehistory-1765) Native American Mythology Puritanism Unit II: Emerging American Visions: ( ) Romanticism Transcendentalism Gothic Literature
A General Overview of American Literature Unit III: American Frontiers: ( ) Realism Naturalism
Unit IV: Modern and Contemporary Literature (1930-Present) Disillusion of the American Dream External conflicts in modern and contemporary literature
Any Questions?