Housing and the next Government Most unpredictable election for many years Could produce a hung parliament without a clear option for stable Government
What do the public care about? Housing - 11
Housing was not an election issue for most people in 2010 Source: Ipsos MORI Issues Index
100 days from a general election Housing is high on the political agenda Media interest is also high but focus is on house prices Can we capitalise and make this the ‘housing general election’?
What are the parties saying? Conservatives Housing focus on first time buyers – 100,000 at 20% discount Tough on welfare – lower welfare cap, no HB for under 21s NHS focus on GP access, yet to outline how they will meet NHS 5 year view funding gap Labour Lyons review – 200,000 homes a year by 2020, including garden cities Remove ‘bedroom tax’ Invest extra in NHS from proceeds of mansion tax - £2.5bn more than Conservatives Increased focus on mental health
What are the parties saying? Lib Dems 300,000 homes a year, including 5 garden cities Major focus on mental health, especially ‘parity of esteem’ ‘Yellow card’ system rather than sanctions without warning Will meet £8bn funding gap identified by NHS 5 Year Forward View Common ground Continuing climate of austerity Not enough detail on potential cuts – where will they fall? Health and care integration agenda Devolution
Political engagement
Our long-term plan For the first day of new Government Narrative on why housing associations are the answer to lots of problems Ideas on how to solve the housing crisis (land, investment and freedoms for housing associations) Our chance to articulate the wider role of housing associations and how they can be more effective and ambitious
Policy ideas so far… Can we create a ‘troubled families’ style approach for people with complex needs? What role for social investment? How do we safeguard current housing benefit spend?
Working with others… King’s Fund calling for NHS Transformation Fund – how can we make it work for housing associations? Care and Support Alliance call for extra investment in social care – fund equivalent to ‘moderate needs’ Incentives to build ‘middle market’ retirement homes – ARCO, APPG on Older People
Thanks for listening! Patrick Murray (Policy Officer Care & Support) Phone: