Welcome and Introductions Shulah Allan
Integration update Peter Gabbitas
January 2014 Policy Statements issued February 2014 Bill passed April 2014Consult on Regulations and Statutory Guidance Summer 2014Regulations and Statutory Guidance approved Dec/Feb 2015Consult on draft Integration Scheme and Strategic Commissioning plan April 2014 /15Transition year April 2015Enactment National Timeline
Delegation of functions Council Adult social care services Telecare, Housing support – mental health, Adaptations NHS Community Health Partnership (CHP) Royal Edinburgh Associated Services (REAS) Hosted services
voting members Councillors non executive directors non-voting advisory members Clinical Director of the Health Board Chief Social Work Officer of local authority The Health Board Director of Finance or the local authority Section 95 Officer A staff-side representative A third sector representative A carer representative A service user representative The Chief Officer of the integration joint board Integrated Joint Boards
Integration Scheme Agreement on scope of functions budgets Clinical and care governance Process for dispute resolution Process for data sharing Performance Management
Strategic Plan Migration from current strategic commissioning plans to a Strategic Plan for the IJB. For all functions in scope Focus on outcomes Joint strategic needs assessment Financial plan/statement- resource allocation Community capacity elements – prevention Locality plans - locality resource arrangements
Expectations of Managers Behaviours…… Commitment Flexibility Look for and promote integrated solutions Listen to staff and engage staff in change Understand roles and professional standards of others Shadowing
Staff surveys CHP I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are – 87% My line manager encourages me at work – 63% I am always consulted about change at work – 22% Council My manager is approachable and available – 73% I am encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things – 60% Change affecting my service area is well managed – 35%
Group discussion 1.Responses to DVD 2.Responses to staff feedback 3.Workforce Planning Issues