Argument Essay
Pre-Writing Explore and decide your position for this topic Predict opposing arguments Consider your audience Decide on which points you will argue Decide on which points you will refute Write a thesis that is focused, arguable, and opinionated
Evidence Personal experiences(in this case it alright to use 1ste person point of view) The experiences of others Facts Statistics Hypothetical examples Testimony from authorities
Essay Outline Introduction: hook, thesis/claim, comments or quotations, misconceptions about the topic Body paragraph 1: present your first point and supporting evidence Body paragraph 2: present your second point and supporting evidence Body paragraph 3: refute your opposition’s point Conclusion: restate thesis/claim, call to action, what does the future look like for this topic
pathos/logos logos: appeal logic o Facts, examples, precedents, authority o pathos: appeal emotion Engage audience emotionally Do not over do this Do not pair with pathos in the same paragraph Best used with connotation