L IBRARY L EARNING C OMMONS P ROGRAMMING WITH THE ORC Parkland School Division Library Meeting October 31, 2014 Jamie Davis, ORC Coordinator
W HAT IS THE ORC? A $1.7 million collection of curricular-aligned, authoritative digital resources licensed on behalf of all Alberta: K-12 students and their parents School staff Pre-service teachers Public library staff * Funded by a yearly Grant-In-Aid from Alberta Education to The Alberta Library (TAL) Return on Investment (ROI) calculation of 3:1 for Alberta Schools *for the purposes of supporting K-12 patrons
W HY S HOULD STUDENTS ACCESS THE ORC? ORC Resources: Provide authoritative, age appropriate, engaging, curricular-aligned content Allow students to become familiar and comfortable with the kinds of resources and searching practises that an integral part of 21 st century learning Are time savers once you are familiar with using them Include embedded supports for diverse learners like listen, text translation, citation tools, vetted websites, copyright friendly pictures and videos Provide anytime, from anywhere access
W HY S HOULD SCHOOL STAFF ACCESS THE ORC? ORC Resources Provide: Access to ready-to-use or customizable lesson plans, teaching materials and direct curricular correlations Support for ESL and foreign language learners Access to journals like Walrus, National Geographic, National Geographic Kids, Men’s Health, and Maclean’s just to name a few (RSS feeds available) Consistent and explicit update schedules Access to vetted websites Ability to create permalinks that can be posted on a website or in an blast
A CCESSING THE ORC Go to LearnAlberta.caLearnAlberta.ca Select English or French Click on “Online Reference Centre” in the tab along the top of the screen In school automatic authentication Access outside of school requires a remote username/password Parkland Username: LA45 Password: 4384 Share your district username/password using low tech methods for your remote
V ISUAL T HESAURUS Recommended for grades languages including English, French, Spanish and German Correct word pronunciation in human voice for every word Images related to words with right click (images are google images and not vetted) Word of the day/week/month Personalized word lists and spelling bees* Vocabgrabber* * With personal accoun t
L ITERARY R EFERENCE C ENTRE Recommended for grades 7-12 Customizable listen feature (where HTML format available) Related information links provided along the left- hand side of the screen SMARTTEXT searching capabilities Create notes within article and save to an account Create article permalinks Download to PDF, save in a folder or print directly Access professional publications and subscribe to RSS feeds for them
C ANADIAN R EFERENCE C ENTRE Recommended for grades 7-12 Customizable listen feature (where HTML format available) Text translation into 32 languages (where HTML format available) SMARTTEXT searching capabilities Create notes within article and save to an account Create article permalinks Recommended for grades 7-12
A DVANCED P LACEMENT S OURCE Ideal support resource for IB and AP programs Can change the language of interface and search in other language (French, German and Spanish Available) Visual Search - relevancy boxes, alternate format Smart Text Searching – input a whole page Can search “Subjects” to expand or limit search Customizable listen feature available for periodicals, MP3 downloads available Some academic journals provide English, Spanish and French Create notes within the article – sign in to save
T HE C ANADIAN E NCYCLOPEDIA Recommended for grades 5-12 New updated interface very aesthetic and functional Multiple pathways to accessing information Personal accounts, videos, articles, images, etc. Wealth of Canadian content to support: Grade 4 - Geography, Geology, Natural Resources, Provincial & National Parks, Hoodoos, Dinosaurs in Alberta, Foothills, Rocky Mountains, etc. Grade 5 - WWI, WWII, John A. Macdonald & George Etienne Cartier, Confederation, Canada’s National Railway, Great Depression, Famous Five, Lester B. Pearson, Statute of Westminster, Potlatch, etc. Grade 6 - Local Government, Lieutenant Governor Grade 7 - Pre-Confederation/Confederation, Immigration/Migration Grade 9 - Canadian citizenship, Government, Charter of Rights & Freedoms
C ANADA I N C ONTEXT Recommended for grades 6-12 Includes Canadian content! Customizable listen feature Articles downloadable to MP3 Text translation to 13 languages Share or permalink capabilities Featured videos, news, and stories on homepage Jump to related articles within the article Advanced search allows for Boolean, and content selection (basic/intermediate/advanced)
W ORLD H ISTORY I N C ONTEXT Recommended for grades 7-12 Excellent support for grade 8 Social Studies curriculum Ability to perform Boolean searching (advanced search) Ability to set content level – basic, intermediate, or advanced (advanced search) Customizable Listen feature Downloadable articles to MP3 Text translation to 13 languages Featured videos, news and topics on homepage (clickable navigation) Access thousands of newspaper articles, magazines, reference materials, videos, images and websites
G LOBAL I SSUES I N C ONTEXT Recommended for grades 7-12 Excellent support for grades Social Studies curriculum Ability to perform Boolean searching (advanced search) Ability to set content level – basic, intermediate, or advanced (advanced search) Customizable Listen feature Downloadable articles to MP3 Text translation to 13 languages Featured videos, news and topics on homepage (clickable navigation) Access thousands of newspaper articles, magazines, reference materials, videos, images and websites
ORC S UPPORT S ITE Resource training materials - podcasts, videos, archived webinars, and guides Information about upcoming free ORC PD opportunities Information about province-wide resource trials and surveys Online booking system for ORC sessions Calendar of ORC Events Links to ORC Twitter and Facebook accounts
ORC L ISTSERV Weekly updates organized by E/J/S: O New resources and features O Province-wide trials O Surveys O Free PD opportunities No s during school breaks Membership has its benefits – joining incentive or visit the ORC Support Site to join
C ONTACT For more information or to schedule a school presentation please contact Jamie Davis, ORC Coordinator Call ext.229 OR
L INKS TO C HECK OUT ORC Support Site ORC ListServ ORC Facebook