TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Process oriented approach to statistical production Deniz Özkan, Nilgün Dorsan, Gülhan Eminkahyagil Turkish Statistical Institute 1
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May Modernization Products Processes Modernization Products Processes Technology New tools New data sources Technology New tools New data sources International collaboration GSBPM, GSIM, GAMSO CSPA, Big Data International collaboration GSBPM, GSIM, GAMSO CSPA, Big Data Product quality Free up resources Organizational changes Timeliness Industrialization of official statistics Competition Improve processes
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Purpose To take a closer look at NSO’s organizational structures their approach to process management process integration Collected and analysed information on country practices issues and challenges met lessons learned 3
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 i.Background information on organizational structures ii.Results of process oriented approach survey iii.Issues and challenges iv.Conclusion and recommendations 4 Outline
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Background information on organizational structures 5
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Stovepipe versus process oriented approach Stovepipe large governmental organizations lack of cooperation internal competition duplication and redundancy optimization of parts large governmental organizations lack of cooperation internal competition duplication and redundancy optimization of parts Process oriented 6
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Organizational structures Divisional 7 Functional Matrix Units are structured around products, in NSIs these are subject matter departments.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Divisional structure 8 President/Chief Statistician Subject Matter 1 Subject Matter 3 Function B Function C Function A Function B Function C Function A Function B Function C Function A …….. Domain 1 Social statistics Domain 1 Social statistics Domain 2 Economic statistics Domain 2 Economic statistics Subject Matter 2
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Divisional 9 Functional Matrix Units are structured around products, in NSIs these are subject matter departments. Units are based on functions, in case of the NSIs, these functions could be specified as, data collection, processing, dissemination etc. Organizational structures
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Functional structure 10 President/Chief Statistician Function1 (Stat. research) Function1 (Stat. research) Function 3 (Data validation) Function 3 (Data validation) Function 2 (Data collection) Function 2 (Data collection) Staff ……..
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Divisional 11 Functional Matrix units are structured around products, in NSIs these are subject matter departments. units are based on functions, in case of the NSIs, these functions could be specified as, data collection, processing, dissemination etc. This type of structure is a mix of functional and divisional organization structure, usually with dual reporting lines. Organizational structures
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May President/Chief Statistician Subject Matter 1 Subject Matter 3 Subject Matter 2 Staff ….. Domain 1 Social statistics Domain 1 Social statistics Domain 2 Economic statistics Domain 2 Economic statistics Function1 (Stat. Res.) Function1 (Stat. Res.) Function 2 (Data coll.) Function 2 (Data coll.) Function 3 (Data val.) Function 3 (Data val.) Matrix structure
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Divisional 13 President/Chief Statistician VP of Statistical Domain VP of Functions Subject Matter 1 Subject Matter 2 Function 1 Function 2 Functional
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Survey on process oriented approach to statistical production 14
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Survey metadata Online questionnaire UNECE, UN ESCAP countries Sent to 95 NSOs November questions, 55 variables 32% response rate, 31 NSOs 15
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Response map of the survey 16
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May Dimensions of process orientation Leadership Organizational structure Information technologies Process identification and documentation Organizational culture
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Dimensions of process orientation – Organizational structure 18
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May *sa: strongly agree; *tta: tend to agree Statement (Likert type scale)AgreeDisagree 1. Structureis derived from organization’s business processes 23 (4 sa*+ 19 tta**)8 2. Processesare clearly defined26 (12 sa+ 14 tta)5 3. Keybusiness processesare documented 24 (6 sa + 18 tta)74. There isstrong teamwork culture28 (8 sa+ 20 tta)35. Informationflow through statistical processes is efficient 20 (5 sa+15 tta)11 Dimensions of process orientation - Structure, culture, processes documentation
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May Dimensions of process orientation - Structure, culture, processes documentation
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 StatementYesNo 6. There are assigned process management responsibilities Organization use a statistical business process model 247 GSBPM Country version of GSBPM Other Business process modelling tools are used Dimensions of process orientation - Process ownership, process modelling
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May Dimensions of process orientation – Use of IT as an enabler in process management
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Dimensions of process orientation - Process performance measurement Process performance measurement is done by all NSOs to some extent. Almost all of NSOs collect process performance data either periodically or from time to time. Performance indicators are specified from a small to moderate extent. More than half of the organizations make use of process improvement methodologies such as ISO, six sigma, TQM and EFQM. 23
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Two thirds of NSOs agree that they have a process- oriented approach to statistical production; while one third of NSOs disagree. 24 Process orientation Process oriented approach helps to improve the quality of their products. Result in improvements in data collection, data processing and metadata systems. Process orientation has reduced the cost of producing statistics. Impact
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May Organizational Structure Have process oriented approach Does not have process oriented approach TOTAL Divisional8614 Functional124 Matrix10111 Other202 Total21931 Organizational structure by process oriented approach in the production of statistics
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Conclusions The organization types of NSOs vary; changing the organizational structure may not be enough for introducing process orientation. GSBPM or a national version of GSBPM is widely used by NSOs for process modelling, whereas the use of BPMN tools is not very common across NSOs. Many NSOs have not yet completed the standardisation and automation of all processes; while some of them have not started because of lack of time and resources. 26
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Employees start looking at processes from a wider, institutional level in process oriented organizations, as opposed to survey specific level. Process-oriented organizations start seeing similar processes as a potential area for standardisation. Data collection and dissemination are the process phases that NSOs most commonly standardise and automate. 27 Conclusions (cont’d)
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Among the benefits of developing a process-oriented approach to statistical production are: the increased standardisation helped to reduce costs allowed subject matter experts to focus on analysis rather than operational activities reduced routines improved timeliness and effectiveness of data production 28 Benefits
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Moving towards process orientation is a complex and difficult undertaking Cultural and management issues Communication problems Resistance to change Changeover period may be burdensome and demanding Lack of resources in terms of financial resources and skilled labour Management of the processes between different departments Distribution of authority 29 Issues and challenges
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Recommendations Determining characteristics and requirements of process orientation with a simple and actionable “to do list” Carrying out a compilation of NSO experience covering more countries and collecting material to a wiki knowledge base Discussing the topic at a future CES seminar to find synergies across countries and identify additional areas for improvement, standardisation or automation of processes 30
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Geneva, May 2015 Thank you for your attention. 31