Task 3
In pairs …. Come up with your polices and ideas on how you are going to deal with the following issues in your society You will then explain one of these polices to the class and face “Question Time!”
This can include: NHS system or private Abortion Euthanasia Care for the Elderly and disabled
Renewable energy Reducing pollution Recycling / Fines Protection or destruction of natural habitats and other species
Protection of the Island How much should be spent on this? Should all people be trained? National service?
Causes of crime – alcohol / drugs Prison system Rehabilitation / reoffending Capital Punishment
Prejudice and Discrimination Immigration to your Island –positive immigration – people who “add” to your society
Raising money Poverty -food banks!!! Unemployment Benefits / Housing Public Jobs – doctors, teachers, police
1.stm 1.stm
Think of 5 questions per topic that you might ask another group e.g Is it not hypocritical to advocate state killing (death penalty) in a society that you are encouraging to respect all life? How would you fund increased welfare to deal with poverty without upsetting people by high taxes?