Anston Hillcrest Primary School Spelling Workshop
Aims How we teach spelling in school Spelling strategies Games What you can do at home?
Spelling.. a ‘peace’ of cake? Linked to self esteem Specific difficulties Only taught phonemes marked
Phonics Teaching in FS & KS1 15 minutes a day Every single day At the appropriate phase for the children Y2 10 words per week Learning environment Fast Fun Systematic
Timetable for Expected Phases Phase 1: FS1 Phase 2: Starts FS2 (6 weeks) Phase 3: Starts FS2 (Oct 12 weeks) Phase 4: FS2 (4-6 weeks) Phase 5: Starts Y1 (1 Year) Phase 6: Starts Y2 (1 Year)
44 Phonemes
Terminology A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word A grapheme is the letter, or letters, representing a phoneme taiigh
Terminology Two letters, making one sound A consonant digraph contains two consonants shckthll A vowel digraph contains at least one vowel ai ee ar oy Three letters making one sound igh dge
Terminology Split Digraphs A digraph in which the two letters making the sound are not adjacent, (e.g. make)
Segmenting Chopping up the word to spell it. Segmenting tap
shop Phoneme frames
shelf = sh – e – l – f = 4 phonemes dress = d - r - e – ss = 4 phonemes sprint = s – p – r – i – n – t = 6 phonemes string = s – t – r – i – ng = 5 phonemes Segmenting
Phase 1 Exploring and experimenting with sounds and words Distinguish between different sounds in the environment and phonemes Learn to orally blend and segment words
Phase 2 19 phonemes and graphemes VC and CVC words 2 syllable words, simple captions and some tricky words. satpinm dgockcke urhbfffl llss thetoI nogo
Phase 3 Next 25 phonemes and graphemes Learn letter names New phonemes and 2 syllable words. jvwxyz zzqu ch shthngaieeighoaoo arorurowoiearairure er
Be able to blend and read CVC words (i.e. single-syllable words consisting of Phase Two and Phase Three graphemes) e.g. Phase 3 cheeptoothchair sharpnorthcoach shockthornlight yurkquoamzort
pat tap snip pins strap parts ward draw Anna Hannah Reversibles Palindromes!
Finish st___ p 20 seconds to complete the word. stamp stoop strip steep strap stop ‘ur’ ‘er’ ‘oi’ surpise urgent purchase furniture purpose
Word Blocks stp aol bmr stop stab stamp star lamp
Phase 4 Consolidation Consonants and polysyllabic words. (CCVC, CVCC, CCVCC) Step list clap grasp strap thetoIno goheshewe mebewasmy youhertheyall are Tricky words
Word Ladders
Rhyme it Helps tune the children into listening carefully. Sick Stick Choose ea / ee / e consonant e Meat seat treat heat complete sleet
Right from Wrong Children identify the correct version of the spelling. Tomorrow Tommorow Tomoro
Phase 5 Broaden knowledge of graphemes and phonemes Learn new graphemes and alternative pronunciations. Choosing appropriate graphemes when spelling and begin to build up word specific knowledge.
Phase 5 New graphemes ay (day) oy (boy) wh (when) a-e (make) ou (out) ie (tie) ea (eat) ir (girl) ue (blue) aw (saw) ey (honey) ph (photo) ew (new) oe (toe) au (paul) e-e (these) i-e (like) o-e (home) u-e (rule)
Phase 5 – Alternative pronunciations a: hat acorn fast was e: bed he i: tin find o: hot no u: but unit pull ow: down low ie: pie field ea: sea head er: fern farmer ou: out soup could mould y: yes my gym happy ch: chin chef school c: cat cell g: got magic ey: they money
Speed Write Write the word out as many times as possible within 30 seconds. Muscle memory
Phase 6 Spelling Identify tricky bits in a word. Develop strategies for spelling longer words. Develop guidelines for making choices between spelling alternatives. Begin to explore spelling conventions e.g. when using past tense, adding suffixes.
What’s the rule? Move – moving Shove – shoving Change – changing Hop – hopping Slip – slipping Tap – tapping Step – stepping Remove the ‘e’ and add ‘ing’ Double the final consonant after a short vowel sound and add ‘ing’
Colour phonemes Counting letters of challenging spellings Splitting the word into syllables / phonemes Sep a rat e s e p a r a t e Look for words within words / word families. Knowledge of prefixes and suffixes Mnemonics because Big elephants can always understand small elephants Spelling Strategies
Practise spellings and have fun with words. Find the tricky bits and work on that. Read as much as possible to and with your child. Encourage and praise – get them to have a "good guess! Ask your child’s teacher if you want to know more. How to support your child?
Useful Websites